Hope Marriage Project: Couples can receive free couples counseling in exchange for participating in research. The MMATE Center at Regent University is conducting a clinical trial study to investigate the effects of the Hope approach to couples counseling. Selected couples would receive 10-13 sessions of couples counseling at no cost. Interested couples can read more about this at http://marriagetherapy.googlepages.com/
Regional Church Calendar: Who would be interested in using an online calendar for Tidewater Church events that churches and ministries could add their events to for all to see? Is this need already met? Email me if interested. ---Bob Fox
End Times Solved: Every time God revealed Himself in the Bible, no one expected Him to come that specific way--even when they had scriptures to guide them about event. Few, if any, Jews expected a Messiah like Jesus, for instance. God loves to surprise us! Why would God end all of human history according to our limited understanding of what He will do? Beware of over-explaining what God has to do before He returns. "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matt 24:14)" That much is true. Let's concentrate on making that happen before more people leave earth to enter eternity without Jesus.
Free Websites: Try Google pages: Free web hosting, free software, easy to sue. All they need is free salvation :>) I hope the folks at Google get that! Click here:
Secret Project at Newport News Shipbuilding: The dream lives on, Trekies! . The "Beam Me Up" Rapture technology will be next :>