Christmas is all about the lost. Jesus is the reason for the season, but the Father's love for the lost is the reason Jesus was born. "For God so loved the [lost] world, He sent His only begotten Son..." Jesus didn't come for the righteous. He was sent to the lost. He started His ministry saying he came to seek and save the lost. His final words on earth were a command to us to seek the lost and make make disciples of them for Him. Let's make our short lives on earth count by winning millions more before we go home to heaven! Together we can! Recommitting to that would be the best Birthday present you can give Jesus.
Free Pastors' Breakfast: January 5, 2008, at 9:00 AM, at the Founders Inn. The breakfast is sponsored by the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and Catch the Fire Ministries. This is an intro to a conference at Founders Inn on February 20-23, 2008. Conference Speakers include John and Carol Arnott, Gordon Robertson and Bill Johnson. They will be offering a free complimentary conference registration for all senior pastors and their wives attending this breakfast.
Since 1994, over 4 million people from around the world have come to a church in Toronto to experience the Presence of the Lord. I know the Arnott's. There still two of the most godly and humble people I know--despite the 4 million visitors to their church. They have had to hold meetings six nights a week for 12 years to accommodate everyone. The love and power of God in their meetings is still the best ministry I have even seen to to bind up the broken hearted and set the captives free. I heartily recommend that pastors attend this breakfast and that everyone come to the free evening meetings or pay to attend the day portions, if you can.
To register for the Pastors' Breakfast, call Maureen Connors at 362-8015, or emailing Pastor Ken Gerry at Ken is the local coordinator for this breakfast and is willing to answer any questions Pastors may have.
Another Martyr from Bethlehem:

I and a friend are collecting some money to send to his pregnant widow and children for Christmas. If you would like to send a donation for them, please write a check to the ministry below and send it to that address with a note: Bethlehem Martyr's Family. 100% of all donations will go to that family.
Arabic Ministries Network
1920 Centerville Turnpike
Suite 117 PMB#282
Virginia Beach , VA 23464-6800 USA
Mission Hero's Books: I wish I had told you about this incredible resource two years ago when I first came across it. These are wonderfully written, simple books for children of all ages about men and women who changed thousands of lives through their heroic missions work. People like Eric Liddell, Hudson Taylor, William Carey, Mary Slessor, Amy Carmichael, Gladys Aylward, Nate Saint, etc. I laughed and cried my way through the Glady's Aylward book this morning. The Hollyood movie, Inn of the Sixth happiness, starring Ingrid Bergman, tells the story of this amazing British maid who flunked out of missionary school ,went to China without money or missions agency and became famous and revered among thousands of Chinese people within 15 years. Many became Christians because of her.
Buy these books for your kids and grandkids, as we have done. Pray that God will use these models of Christian heroism to lead our descendants to the lost billions just waiting for someone to show and tell them about the Father's love for lost people that sent Jesus to us in Bethlehem.
Jesus is the reason for the season, but the Father's love for the lost is the reason Jesus was born.
Check with your local Christian bookstore or click on to get see or order these books!
Spiritual Gifts Seminar: Jan 8-Apr 15 at Regent University--sponsored by the school of divinity an the Asian Center for Missions. Yes--you can learn to grow in spiritual gifts--even ones like prophecy, healing, word of knowledge, etc. I'm a graduate of this training. This is an excellent class with lots of practical coaching and practice sessions by Gordon Robertson, Pastor Travis Thigpen ( a well-known prophet), Pastor Mark Stafford, etc. Click here for printable bulletin inserts. Contact Maryanne Chamberlain at (757) 286-8066 or at for more details.