Historic Reconciliation March and Concert Jan 19, 2009 in Norfolk: The Norfolk City government is holding a large 50th Anniversary commemoration of the closing of all of Virginia's public schools to resist court-ordered integration in 1959. The commemoration celebrates the progress made since 1959 in racial relationships in Norfolk.
This commemoration really is something wonderful and powerful for our region! We have come a long way from there in 50 years. What a fitting event to have just before President -Elect Obama is sworn in the next day. There is Unity March planned at 10 AM and a concert with speeches at Chrysler hall at 11 AM. Dr. Nancy Klein from Kempsville Presbyterian Church/ODU will lead the choir. Please pray for this event and attend if you can. Pray for Dr. Klein--a very godly woman who hears from God well and who may be able to say something at that concert that could be a word from the Lord to bring greater healing to this tragic event being commemorated. Click here for full details on the events that last all month related to this. Click here for more details about the terrible, sinful racist things many of Virginia's white leaders and citizens did to our African-American neighbors/brothers and sisters in that era. We need to know so we will never do such things again to anyone else.
This commemoration really is something wonderful and powerful for our region! We have come a long way from there in 50 years. What a fitting event to have just before President -Elect Obama is sworn in the next day. There is Unity March planned at 10 AM and a concert with speeches at Chrysler hall at 11 AM. Dr. Nancy Klein from Kempsville Presbyterian Church/ODU will lead the choir. Please pray for this event and attend if you can. Pray for Dr. Klein--a very godly woman who hears from God well and who may be able to say something at that concert that could be a word from the Lord to bring greater healing to this tragic event being commemorated. Click here for full details on the events that last all month related to this. Click here for more details about the terrible, sinful racist things many of Virginia's white leaders and citizens did to our African-American neighbors/brothers and sisters in that era. We need to know so we will never do such things again to anyone else.

Free Marriage Seminar in Chesapeake Jan 24: Harvest Assembly is offering this from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to learn more about the vital role/destiny God has for you in your family, taught by Colin and Nancy Primm. Colin will be speaking to the men on the topic “Building Godly Generations,” and Nancy will be addressing the women on the topic “God’s Ultimate Purpose for Women.” Colin and Nancy will also be ministering in the Household Worship Service the next day, January 25th, 2009 at noon. For more information and to learn about pre-registering, click here for the flyer. For more information about Colin and Nancy and their ministry, go to www.aboverubies.org There will be no childcare, but your entire family is welcome to come with you. THERE IS NO COST for this event, but we will receive a love offering. Also there is a FREE continental breakfast to everyone who comes before the event, so please help them plan accordingly by REGISTERING AT 757-547-7717 X209.
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Blessings on you and our new President and Vice President on Tuesday!
Bob Fox