Great Healing in America: Every American should rejoice that America has its first African-American President! That alone has brought great healing to the African-American community who have suffered terrible discrimination for almost 400 years in America. Many good people of all hues have worked for decades to see this kind of hope and healing brought to our dear African-American neighbors. President Obama is a very gifted man with strong vision to build a better America. Like any others, I can see seeds of greatness in President Obama as a leader.
But this is a critical time for all churches to pray and work together to ensure that his presidency is guided by scriptural truth so that God can once again bless and protect America--as only God can. If it is true that God is judging America for its sins--and I am convinced He is-- then America's future safety and prosperity depends more on our standing before God than on any political or economic plans man has. May America bless God and follow His ways. He alone can heal our land ( 2Chron 7:13-14).
My Daughter's Blogs: Many people have a prayer burden for America. I am happy to tell you that my daughter, Lori West, is one of those folks. I strongly encourage you to read the article (most of it from Cindy Jacobs) about President Obama's published White House agenda now online at under the Civil Rights and Family sections. It ought to give every Christian more reasons to pray fervently for God to guide and protect the president and our nation. Click here to see the Jan 23rd post on her blog. I also encourage you to read her blog for mom's called Mothering Matters. She has 5 kids.
President Lincoln's Inauguration Scriptures on March 4, 1865: President Obama understandably admires Abraham Lincoln and was sworn in on Tuesday on Lincoln's Bible. These are the Scriptures Lincoln chose during the Civil War: Matthew 7:1, Matthew 18:7, Revelation 16:7 If you read Lincoln's address that day,you will note that he saw the Civil War as God's judgment on America because of slavery.
Unless the current Church of America---all of its Christians--truly repents for its sins and the sins of our ancestors, our current woes will only increase. "FOR THOSE WHOM THE LORD LOVES HE DISCIPLINES, AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES,---so that they will share in His holiness. (Hebrews 12:6-11)
Click here to see what other scriptures other former presidents used at their inauguration.
Essentials for Being a Missionary: Great overview by two experienced missionaries who train missionaries: Norm and Debbie Przybylski of Elijah Company, Inc. (, 9:00-5:00 Sat. January 31, 2009. Kempsville Presbyterian Church, in the Learning Center (behind the main building).Love Offering, no lunch, no childcare.
For info or to RSVP write to,, or call 248-9561.
For the expanded and in depth version of this Seminar, mark your calendar for Elijah Company’s Missionary Training Camp: March 5-8, 2009! See
Powerful Discipleship Training Model, Feb 7 in Chesapeake: Pastors and ministry leaders would greatly benefit from this new,comprehensive discipleship model that is being used in home groups, churches and families around the world. See the attachment for details. I took the course and found it very helpful in constructing a much better discipleship model. See attachment for details.
Cell Phone Numbers Are Now Public to Telemarketers: YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS if you answer them. To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number. (Thanks for Dallas & Zonie Plemmons for this)
Want to Thank President Bush? Click here to leave a note of thanks. No president pleases everyone. All presidents do some good--perhaps more than we'll ever know. Here's a great way to say Thank You to former President Bush for eight years of honorable service during extraordinarily difficult time. (Thanks to Jodi Nelson Chiricosta for this)
New Church Wants to Rent Space on Sundays: From around 9am to 1:30 pm, seating for 200 to 300, smaller room for kids, parking, etc. in Virginia Beach, hopefully near the Pembroke/Town Center area. Call 757-576-1090 (my cell) or
Used, Computers for Overseas Use:
A regional e-zine published for over 18 years with strategic news and resources for Christian leaders in Hampton Roads, Virginia and beyond--- to prepare us all for the revival God is about to bring worldwide. I also publish a national and international version. All are free and available to anyone.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Partners 323: Historic Norfolk Events Jan 19th, FireProof DVD, Marriage Seminar, Learn Chinese, Tech Tips
Historic Reconciliation March and Concert Jan 19, 2009 in Norfolk: The Norfolk City government is holding a large 50th Anniversary commemoration of the closing of all of Virginia's public schools to resist court-ordered integration in 1959. The commemoration celebrates the progress made since 1959 in racial relationships in Norfolk.
This commemoration really is something wonderful and powerful for our region! We have come a long way from there in 50 years. What a fitting event to have just before President -Elect Obama is sworn in the next day. There is Unity March planned at 10 AM and a concert with speeches at Chrysler hall at 11 AM. Dr. Nancy Klein from Kempsville Presbyterian Church/ODU will lead the choir. Please pray for this event and attend if you can. Pray for Dr. Klein--a very godly woman who hears from God well and who may be able to say something at that concert that could be a word from the Lord to bring greater healing to this tragic event being commemorated. Click here for full details on the events that last all month related to this. Click here for more details about the terrible, sinful racist things many of Virginia's white leaders and citizens did to our African-American neighbors/brothers and sisters in that era. We need to know so we will never do such things again to anyone else.
This commemoration really is something wonderful and powerful for our region! We have come a long way from there in 50 years. What a fitting event to have just before President -Elect Obama is sworn in the next day. There is Unity March planned at 10 AM and a concert with speeches at Chrysler hall at 11 AM. Dr. Nancy Klein from Kempsville Presbyterian Church/ODU will lead the choir. Please pray for this event and attend if you can. Pray for Dr. Klein--a very godly woman who hears from God well and who may be able to say something at that concert that could be a word from the Lord to bring greater healing to this tragic event being commemorated. Click here for full details on the events that last all month related to this. Click here for more details about the terrible, sinful racist things many of Virginia's white leaders and citizens did to our African-American neighbors/brothers and sisters in that era. We need to know so we will never do such things again to anyone else.

Free Marriage Seminar in Chesapeake Jan 24: Harvest Assembly is offering this from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to learn more about the vital role/destiny God has for you in your family, taught by Colin and Nancy Primm. Colin will be speaking to the men on the topic “Building Godly Generations,” and Nancy will be addressing the women on the topic “God’s Ultimate Purpose for Women.” Colin and Nancy will also be ministering in the Household Worship Service the next day, January 25th, 2009 at noon. For more information and to learn about pre-registering, click here for the flyer. For more information about Colin and Nancy and their ministry, go to There will be no childcare, but your entire family is welcome to come with you. THERE IS NO COST for this event, but we will receive a love offering. Also there is a FREE continental breakfast to everyone who comes before the event, so please help them plan accordingly by REGISTERING AT 757-547-7717 X209.
Good site to Help Men Stay Pure:
Learning Chinese: Click to see this site It has wise and clear instructions about learning many languages. Free online flash cards to learn Chinese with pronunciation. Click here.
Store 25 GB of files online Free: Can manually upload files up to 50 MB at a time. Good for video, photo files. Use to back up your smaller docs with 2 GB limit. Always good to have off-site online backups in case of house fire.
Blessings on you and our new President and Vice President on Tuesday!
Bob Fox
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Partners 322: Free Marriage Training, Train Kids in Spirit, Jobs in Asia, Computer Tips
FREE Couples Counseling at Regent University. The Hope project at Regent University conducts grant-funded community outreach and research in couples counseling. Church leaders can refer couples from your congregation or the community and they can receive up to 10 free sessions. The counseling is a proven approach with Christian values for faith, work and love in marriage. You can even be paid $80.00 for participating in this service. Information at or 352-4896.
Training Children in the Gifts of the Spirit: David and Kathy Walters know more about this than anyone I know. They ministered to the children our our church with good results years ago. Kids are often more responsive to the Holy Spirit than adults because they do not have all those adult questions God has to answer before they surrender themselves to Him completely. They also value experience with God more than some adults do who normally shy away from spiritual experiences they are not in full control of. When kids are filled wit the Spirit, they are far less tempted to find fulfillment, significance, power and fun in sinful things. Kids can heal the sick though prayer, hear God's voice and prayer powerfully with faith if properly trained and led by example. Checkout their website at
Scrolls & Coals: Are you hungry to train up your children in the prophetic and introduce them at a young age to the supernatural? Scrolls and Coals was written as an invitation to usher your children into a realm of personal encounter with God. A 36 page picture book designed for children ages 5-10. The Kansas City IHOP recommends. Not enough books like this. Click here to see. ( Thanks to my daughter Lori for this recommendation)
Releasing Kids In Revival Conference: March 11-13,2009 in Toronto Canada. Contact them at 416-674-8463 or see
PS: Since kids can be won to the Lord far more easily than most adults, why don't churches do more evangelistic outreaches to children? Does that puzzle you as it does me?
Overcoming Porn Testimonies: Paul Strand at CBN has just done several good stories on this. Internet porn isn the elephant in the Church sanctuary. No one is immune. Click here to read/view one video.
Jobs in Korea Teaching English: All you need is a BA or BS in anything and be a native English speaker. Job includes $20-40K salary, round-trip airline ticket, free housing. Great way to reach Korea with Gospel, learn Korean and travel Asia. I know nothing about this company but here is their site: There are dozens of groups like this looking for teachers in Asia, especially in China and Korea. Great way to spend a year of your retirement or for your first job out of college.
America is losing jobs quickly. Money and ministry are going to the East. The 21st century belongs to Asia. Tell your kids to learn Chinese. : > ---editor
Share your Computer Desktop with 30 People Free: Looks like a great program. I'm trying it: Click here to see features. Works with PC & Mac together!
Verizon Cell Phone Users: You'll never have to worry about losing your phone's contact list. Backup Assistant safeguards your mobile phone's address book and automatically saves a copy of the names, phone numbers, and email addresses stored in your phone. You can also view, print, add, delete, and edit your contacts online. If you lose, damage, or upgrade your phone, Backup Assistant will restore your contact list to a new or replacement phone. Pricing: $1.99 monthly but fee is waived for all lines on the account when customer is enrolled in My Verizon as the Account Owner.
Free Computer back-up Solution: Try this program. I like it. Backs up my files each night automatically. 2 GB free limit. $5/mo for unlimited GB backups. :
Bob Fox
Training Children in the Gifts of the Spirit: David and Kathy Walters know more about this than anyone I know. They ministered to the children our our church with good results years ago. Kids are often more responsive to the Holy Spirit than adults because they do not have all those adult questions God has to answer before they surrender themselves to Him completely. They also value experience with God more than some adults do who normally shy away from spiritual experiences they are not in full control of. When kids are filled wit the Spirit, they are far less tempted to find fulfillment, significance, power and fun in sinful things. Kids can heal the sick though prayer, hear God's voice and prayer powerfully with faith if properly trained and led by example. Checkout their website at
Scrolls & Coals: Are you hungry to train up your children in the prophetic and introduce them at a young age to the supernatural? Scrolls and Coals was written as an invitation to usher your children into a realm of personal encounter with God. A 36 page picture book designed for children ages 5-10. The Kansas City IHOP recommends. Not enough books like this. Click here to see. ( Thanks to my daughter Lori for this recommendation)
Releasing Kids In Revival Conference: March 11-13,2009 in Toronto Canada. Contact them at 416-674-8463 or see
PS: Since kids can be won to the Lord far more easily than most adults, why don't churches do more evangelistic outreaches to children? Does that puzzle you as it does me?
Overcoming Porn Testimonies: Paul Strand at CBN has just done several good stories on this. Internet porn isn the elephant in the Church sanctuary. No one is immune. Click here to read/view one video.
Jobs in Korea Teaching English: All you need is a BA or BS in anything and be a native English speaker. Job includes $20-40K salary, round-trip airline ticket, free housing. Great way to reach Korea with Gospel, learn Korean and travel Asia. I know nothing about this company but here is their site: There are dozens of groups like this looking for teachers in Asia, especially in China and Korea. Great way to spend a year of your retirement or for your first job out of college.
America is losing jobs quickly. Money and ministry are going to the East. The 21st century belongs to Asia. Tell your kids to learn Chinese. : > ---editor
Share your Computer Desktop with 30 People Free: Looks like a great program. I'm trying it: Click here to see features. Works with PC & Mac together!
Verizon Cell Phone Users: You'll never have to worry about losing your phone's contact list. Backup Assistant safeguards your mobile phone's address book and automatically saves a copy of the names, phone numbers, and email addresses stored in your phone. You can also view, print, add, delete, and edit your contacts online. If you lose, damage, or upgrade your phone, Backup Assistant will restore your contact list to a new or replacement phone. Pricing: $1.99 monthly but fee is waived for all lines on the account when customer is enrolled in My Verizon as the Account Owner.
Free Computer back-up Solution: Try this program. I like it. Backs up my files each night automatically. 2 GB free limit. $5/mo for unlimited GB backups. :
Bob Fox
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Partners 321: Catch the Fire Meetings, Best Leadership Training Model, Alternative to Med Insurance, Software to Filter Internet Porn
Two Catch the Fire Meetings:
The Chesapeake Outpouring: Jan 9-11, 2009 at the Hope Center ( Pastors Jacob and Heather Martin) in Chesapeake ( meeting at Church of the Messiah on Kempsville Rd). Many of the speakers at the larger February conference below will be here in January, but this one is free. Click here for details. If you would like to register, email them with how many are coming with you, their names and what services you plan to attend. You can email your registration to or you may call our offices at 757.321.9811.
Catch the Fire Ministries Conference and Pastor's Breakfast: CBN is again hosting one of the most amazing and consistent ministries in the world. This ministry is from the church in Toronto, Canada that has been forced to hold meetings six nights week for 15 years to accommodate all the people who come there in Toronto from all over the world seeking a touch from God. My life was radically changed for the better in 1994 when I went there. I came back a different man with a greater love for God and for His people in all the churches of Tidewater. Sure, some of the manifestations of the Spirit seemed a little weird, but its the same stuff that happened in every move of God in North America except for the Moody meetings decades ago.
Click here to see a helpful paper on the biblical/historical basis of those manifestations seen all over the world in the last three centuries by many denominational groups in times of revival. Click here to see past CBN article about Catch the Fire.
Saturday, Jan 10 at 9 AM: Free Pastor's Breakfast at Founders Inn, in Virginia Beach. Call 757-362-8015 to RSVP, get brochures, etc.
Schools February 15—18, 2009: Restoring the Foundations Equipping School( Emotional Healing Training) and Soaking Prayer School. Both have a fee. Large discounts available to pastors for the schools
Conference is February 18-21, 2009 at Founders Inn. Click here for details and to register. Pastors tend the conference free but they have to register with 757-362-8015. Pastors may call Pastor Ken Gerry at his cell (757-672-7720) for more info.
New Discipleship Design to Train Christian Leaders: Feb 7, 2009, 9-4 at Church of the Messiah in Chesapeake, VA. As a seminary grad ( Fuller '77) and pastor for 20 years, I can tell you that this seminar gives you a much better model for training leaders, whether they be your children, your deacons, elders or future pastors. I have taken the full three day course and it really made sense. The author, Malcolm Webber, who is himself a pastor and trainer of pastors internationally, has described the process of biblical discipleship in conceptual and practical ways better than anyone I know of.
One of his top trainers happened to live nearby so this is a chance to learn about how we can prepare leaders for the church who will be much less prone to "burn-out" or "sin-out" as too many Christian leaders do worldwide. Global revival is coming and the Church in China, Africa and South America is already exploding numerically with many new believers. Check out their website at to learn more.
God needs many new and better-trained leaders all over the world. This discipleship model is working very well in several nations overseas, as well as in the US. Dr Ted Ward, former chair of the education dept at Michigan State U and consultant to many ministries, has called it "the best model and practice of leadership development I have ever found."
The cost is $59 for the 6 hr course, notebook, lunch and 3 books by the author. Contact Kaye at 800-246-0480 or email with questions. Registration is at:
Good Alternative to Medical Insurance: If you are like me, on unemployment with no insurance, you may want to check out this low-cost but effective way to have coverage for medical bills. It is called Samaritan Ministries. Basically, it is Christians paying each others' medical bills. It actually works and the folks who run it are spiritually-minded evangelicals who encourage prayer for each others' medical needs, in addition to paying the bills. So, instead of paying a medical insurance premium, you send that $120/mo ( single) to another believer to help cover their needs. when enough folks do that, large bills can be paid--and are paid, most of the time. There are restrictions, but none most people can't live with. (If you do sign up for it, please mention my name. It gets me a credit on my fees.)
Internet Porn Filters: This $50 program seems to be one of the best programs on the market to protect you and every internet user in your family from internet pornography and other internet evils. It filters offensive emails, IM chats, websites and social network sites and logs the results so you or a trusted accountability friend can see what you or others have been looking at or writing about. It is called Safe Eyes. In an age when 37% of pastors admit to problems with sexual sin on the internet, this is a program most people should consider having--especially the males among us. Sexual sin is the elephant in the room. We need to admit we live in a sinful sex-saturated society and take wise measures to protect ourselves and others we love.
Pastors--why not recommend this ( or something like it to your members. Internet porn is one of the devils most lethal weapons to destroy your church.
Missions to Muslims Event: January 30-31, 2009: That’s when a Frontiers 247 To Go event is coming to Columbia, SC. Great intro to what you can do to reach Muslims overseas.
Blessings to you all in 2009. My new motto is "New Wine in '09" What's your's
Bob Fox
The Chesapeake Outpouring: Jan 9-11, 2009 at the Hope Center ( Pastors Jacob and Heather Martin) in Chesapeake ( meeting at Church of the Messiah on Kempsville Rd). Many of the speakers at the larger February conference below will be here in January, but this one is free. Click here for details. If you would like to register, email them with how many are coming with you, their names and what services you plan to attend. You can email your registration to or you may call our offices at 757.321.9811.
Catch the Fire Ministries Conference and Pastor's Breakfast: CBN is again hosting one of the most amazing and consistent ministries in the world. This ministry is from the church in Toronto, Canada that has been forced to hold meetings six nights week for 15 years to accommodate all the people who come there in Toronto from all over the world seeking a touch from God. My life was radically changed for the better in 1994 when I went there. I came back a different man with a greater love for God and for His people in all the churches of Tidewater. Sure, some of the manifestations of the Spirit seemed a little weird, but its the same stuff that happened in every move of God in North America except for the Moody meetings decades ago.
Click here to see a helpful paper on the biblical/historical basis of those manifestations seen all over the world in the last three centuries by many denominational groups in times of revival. Click here to see past CBN article about Catch the Fire.
Saturday, Jan 10 at 9 AM: Free Pastor's Breakfast at Founders Inn, in Virginia Beach. Call 757-362-8015 to RSVP, get brochures, etc.
Schools February 15—18, 2009: Restoring the Foundations Equipping School( Emotional Healing Training) and Soaking Prayer School. Both have a fee. Large discounts available to pastors for the schools
Conference is February 18-21, 2009 at Founders Inn. Click here for details and to register. Pastors tend the conference free but they have to register with 757-362-8015. Pastors may call Pastor Ken Gerry at his cell (757-672-7720) for more info.
New Discipleship Design to Train Christian Leaders: Feb 7, 2009, 9-4 at Church of the Messiah in Chesapeake, VA. As a seminary grad ( Fuller '77) and pastor for 20 years, I can tell you that this seminar gives you a much better model for training leaders, whether they be your children, your deacons, elders or future pastors. I have taken the full three day course and it really made sense. The author, Malcolm Webber, who is himself a pastor and trainer of pastors internationally, has described the process of biblical discipleship in conceptual and practical ways better than anyone I know of.
One of his top trainers happened to live nearby so this is a chance to learn about how we can prepare leaders for the church who will be much less prone to "burn-out" or "sin-out" as too many Christian leaders do worldwide. Global revival is coming and the Church in China, Africa and South America is already exploding numerically with many new believers. Check out their website at to learn more.
God needs many new and better-trained leaders all over the world. This discipleship model is working very well in several nations overseas, as well as in the US. Dr Ted Ward, former chair of the education dept at Michigan State U and consultant to many ministries, has called it "the best model and practice of leadership development I have ever found."
The cost is $59 for the 6 hr course, notebook, lunch and 3 books by the author. Contact Kaye at 800-246-0480 or email with questions. Registration is at:
Good Alternative to Medical Insurance: If you are like me, on unemployment with no insurance, you may want to check out this low-cost but effective way to have coverage for medical bills. It is called Samaritan Ministries. Basically, it is Christians paying each others' medical bills. It actually works and the folks who run it are spiritually-minded evangelicals who encourage prayer for each others' medical needs, in addition to paying the bills. So, instead of paying a medical insurance premium, you send that $120/mo ( single) to another believer to help cover their needs. when enough folks do that, large bills can be paid--and are paid, most of the time. There are restrictions, but none most people can't live with. (If you do sign up for it, please mention my name. It gets me a credit on my fees.)
Internet Porn Filters: This $50 program seems to be one of the best programs on the market to protect you and every internet user in your family from internet pornography and other internet evils. It filters offensive emails, IM chats, websites and social network sites and logs the results so you or a trusted accountability friend can see what you or others have been looking at or writing about. It is called Safe Eyes. In an age when 37% of pastors admit to problems with sexual sin on the internet, this is a program most people should consider having--especially the males among us. Sexual sin is the elephant in the room. We need to admit we live in a sinful sex-saturated society and take wise measures to protect ourselves and others we love.
Pastors--why not recommend this ( or something like it to your members. Internet porn is one of the devils most lethal weapons to destroy your church.
Missions to Muslims Event: January 30-31, 2009: That’s when a Frontiers 247 To Go event is coming to Columbia, SC. Great intro to what you can do to reach Muslims overseas.
Blessings to you all in 2009. My new motto is "New Wine in '09" What's your's
Bob Fox
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