Friday, November 07, 2008

Partners 319: How to Respond to Election, Healing Conference, Missions in China

How to Respond to the 2008 Presidential Election

Half the nation may be feeling very discouraged and the other half ecstatic. Here's how Christians can respond:

1. Congratulate African-Americans on this historic election of the first African-American President of the United States! Millions of their forebears have suffered incalculable and sinful wrongs at the hands of the white majority population for centuries--during and after slavery. May this election bring a much deeper healing to those ancient wounds. Rejoice with those who rejoice! I do!

2. For those who voted for the other side, let me share with you what I think God told me the day after the election--after I got over my own grief at the results: " He has only been elected. He has not changed one law yet. There is still time for God's people to pray that he will do only good for American and not do any harm." Most presidents have done some of both--despite what we thought they would do in office.

I say that the future of America is not in any President's hands. It is in God's hands and a holy, repentant, unified Church can move the hand of God according to His will. God wants us to move His hand to bless, heal, protect and provide for America, but he had limited Himself, as the Scriptures teach, to do some things only if His people pray well and live well before Him. "If my people...then I will heal their land. ( II Chron 7:13-14). Please read verse 13. It says that when God judges a nation with calamities ( 911, Katrina, floods, Economic meltdown), He can be petitioned to relent and restore by a holy, repentant, praying people. We are not that people yet but we will be. When the pain gets bad enough, we will be. Click here for a rousing message form Cindy Jacobs on our need to pray fervently and not give up now! (Download the Part 1 video for that message).

So, pray for our new President and His family. Pray every blessing and protection on them you can. His success is our success as a nation. Our destinies are intertwined (Jer 29:7).
It is our calling from 1 Peter 2.9 and I Tim 2:1-2. A good list of prayers is found here.

Also, pray specifically that he does not do three things: 1) Cause more unborn children to die by abortion as he has promised he would by eradicating laws to protect the unborn. Greater shedding of innocent blood will only increase the judgement of God on America and really ruin our economy. 2) Accommodate the empire ambitions of Muslims who have already all but taken over Europe. His Muslim roots may make him too sympathetic to America's greatest political and religious enemy now. 3) That he would not implement any of the racist teachings he absorbed for 20 years from his pastor.

"The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the LORD;
He turns it wherever He wishes (Pro 21:1).

Healing Conference at Harvest Assembly in Chesapeake:

The main speaker/trainer is Randy Clark. God used him to kick off the 14-year-old Toronto Blessing Movement. Randy is humble and amazing in the healing ministries. Leif Hetland was pastoring a small Baptist church in Norway and now has ministered in over 51 countries on 5 continents! He is one of the most influential Christian leaders in the Muslim nations today. His meetings and crusades are full of supernatural healings. Muslims never see that in their meetings! Lastly, Gordon Robertson, President of CBN, has a long history of helping many through prayers for healing. Come and get equipped in how to pray for the sick and get some more healing yourself. It should be a very refreshing time for anyone open to whatever God wants to do--regardless of how it looks. For those new to this kind of thing, I'd recommend reading this excellent biblical and historical discussion of revival phenomena written by a pastor: Click here. Call 757-547-7717 or see their web at
Click here for details on the conference .

Mission Reports From China: at the 7M Fellowship, each Monday from 7-8:30 AM at Shoney's across from CBN. Fascinating and inspiraitonal resports by missionaries who just got back from China where the Chruch is growing so fast the leaders can't keep up with it.
November 17 - Garrett Jones will be with us from SW China.
November 24 - Joy and Victoria Moore will tell us about their trip to China this past summer.