I do not pass along many prophetic words, but this one from Chuck Pierce seems timely and right on.
I believe it is a true word for the entire Church worldwide. We are about to enter tougher times that God is causing to provoke His Church to greater holiness and fruitfulness--like the John 15 pruning teaching of Jesus describes. God does have provision and protection for those who seek Him earnestly. The pain of the days ahead will lead us closer to Him and to new provisions in the spiritual realm that will amaze us--and bless us! Click here for the full prophetic word.
Soaking Prayer with World-Renowned violinist Ruth Fazal and her band: Tonight, Sunday night, March 9 at 7:00 p.m at Church of the Messiah and tomorrow night
( March 10) at 7 PM at New Life Providence in Virginia Beach. Free. Love offering will be taken.
Do yourself a favor and come! It is a safe and quiet place to really meet the Lord for a couple of hours. No preaching--just meditating before the Lord. It's wonderful!
Psalm 27:4 One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple."
Brilliant Way to Help Poor People Make a Living Overseas: http://www.kiva.org/ This group has made micro-loans to poor people in other countries so simple and effective! Why isn't there a Christian group doing this how can give preferential treatment to persecuted Christians in nations where the society tries to keep them from making a living. Muslims nations often force coverts to Christianity to lose their jobs and live in poverty. A micro-loan could help a starving Christian have his own business.
Anglican Church Endorses Sharia Law in England! You have to read this article by Charles
Colson to believe it: the Archbishop of Canterbury in Great Britain has publicly said that the British government ought to be allowing Muslims to beat their wives for disobedience and allow other barbaric practices under sharia law within Muslim communities in England. This would be suitable "accommodation" to Muslims in Britain. I believe Prime Minister Chamberlain made a similar accommodation in 1939 to Hitler. The results will not be too different, it seems, in Britain. May God help the Anglican Church to awaken and pray and work for the salvation of those Muslims instead of unleashing their cruel practices upon British citizens who happen to be Muslim.
Click here for more info. The article is

Pray for this Man: Mohammed Hegazy, his wife, Zainab, and their unborn child are now in hiding in Egypt - their only crime - converting to Christianity. Hegazy had to file a landmark lawsuit against the Egyptian government after his request to change his official religious affiliation from Muslim to Christian was denied. After Mohammed’s original lawyer dropped the case due to threats against his life, the Hegazy family went into hiding after enduring rejection from their families and fielding anonymous death threats via phone. "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it..." (1Co 12:26)
Spanish Christian News from around the world: http://www.godtube.com/mundocristiano
Tell your Spanish friends.
Christian TV Ministry in Romania Needs Software: Tudor Petan of Alfa Omega Ministries is broadcasting great Christian programming all across Europe! See their websites at http://www.alfaomega.tv They have grown and now need more video editing software. If you have a copy you can give them, please let me know. They need: Adobe Premiere (4-6 licenses for editing), 3D editing software (eg: Adobe-After Effects, 3D Studio max). 1-2 licenses; Windows XP (Home or Professional), 10-15 licenses; Other software products like Canopus (2 needed). Please help if you can. Europe has fallen form the Lord badly. They need revival desperately. This broadcasting ministry is vital to what God is doing there in many nations.
Blessings to all,
Bob Fox