- Receive phone calls or emails at home from people seeking to know God by volunteering with Need Him! See http://www.needhimresources.com/ and follow the links. This is exactly what CBN does about 12,000 times a day. You can lead people to the Lord and help them grow in the Lord right from your home!! Every city should have a service like this that local churches support.
- Here's a good e-zine for using MySpace for non-profits. 2 teens raised $300,000 for Sudan recently using MySpace and another similar website.
Identifying and Destroying Personal Spiritual Strongholds - Norm and Debbie Przybylski will present this key teaching used especially to prepare missionaries. The purpose of this seminar is to help and encourage believers to know and use the weapons of divine power in order to be free from emotions and behavior contrary to God’s design. The seminar is based on scripture and has proven effective in many lives. It is a key ingredient in spiritual warfare. For information or registration write to elijah@elijahcompany.org or call 403-3279. Date: July 14. Place: Kempsville Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach.
Women's Ministry in Tidewater: I have always felt that women's ministries in Tidewater face strong spiritual opposition--especially ministries for women in leadership. It is hard to find a long-term group for pastors' wives in Tidewater, for instance. Where are there support groups for other women in ministry? All this is related to the sins of our forefathers. The enemy has oppressed women through men in Tidewater since the founding of the Virginia Colony in 1607. Women were excluded from the first three ships to land here. Of the first two wives who came to Jamestown, one was killed by her husband--- to be eaten in the famine of 1610. In 1619, the the first large group of women came to Jamestown: 90 women sold as servants or wives to some very rough men. Many women, white and black, died here in those early years--worked to death as servants in the tobacco fields of Tidewater.
Therefore, it is important to encourage women and ministries to them and by them whenever we can to defeat the enemies plans to harm the lives and ministries of women. Marie Umidi has led The Man called Jesus play all over the world for over 20 years! Katherine Allen has led the region's largest ministry to sexually-broken lives through Sought Out for many years. Here is one such ministry that I just came across that you may want to know about. It appears to be led by an African-American lady with a healing ministry to women.
Chandra Moyer
Fruit of the Spirit Ministries
P.O. Box 16397
Chesapeake, VA 23328-6397
(757) 546-2545
Giant Yard Sale June 23 to Support Pro-Life Group: at Kempsville Presbyterian in Virginia Beach this saturday, June 23 from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. They are raising money for the mobile pregnancy ministry of Pregnancy Resource Clinic of Hampton Roads (PRC). People can still donate items by calling us for pick-up (497.4070)or bringing them to the KPC parking lot early Sat morning.
Tax receipts will be given.
Letter to White-Supremacist Group: I have a few pastors who have agreed to sign that letter decalring that the white pastoral community does not agree with the recent letter to Black residents here attacking them for being Black. Among those pastors are John Dooley of Apostles Lutheran, Bobby Collins of World Outreach Center, Frank Drake and Lynn Garrett of Level Green Baptist. I want to have 200 pastors sign that before we send it. Please email me to let me know if you will support this with your name and your church name.

Math Tutor: This is for my wonderful wife, Beth. She just retired form teaching math in schools and now wants to do more private tutoring in math. Beth has 20 years of experience teaching math in schools and as a tutor for grades 7-12, especially high school math. She is certified by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) as a math teacher. Almost all of her students will tell you that she is one of the best teachers they have ever had--especially in math. You can reach her at 474-0729.
Healing America's DNA now available on Amazon.com. Click here
You can download the entire book as a PDF free at http://www.1607dna.com
This is a detailed historical and theological appeal to the Church to repent for the sins of our fonding fathers here in Tidewater, Virginia. Without significant repentance by the Church, these sins will continue to plague our region and qualify us for more of God's judgment that is coming on all of America. some repentance occurred in the last two months, especially for Native American issues, but 98% of the Church in Tidewater was not involved and is still clueless about those sins and their effects on people today.
My nose is better! The surgery went extremely well. I was full of joy that day and I can breath and sleep better now. Thanks for praying with me through that. ---Bob Fox