THE ENEMY FEARS OUR PRAYERS: All over the world, Christians are being persecuted just for praying. Look at this site for a list of such attacks. The Chesapeake City Council opens with prayer ( thank God!) and now a group wants to stop that.
Pastors For Family Values invites you to a Complimentary Pastor Breakfast
Spring Hill Suites by Marriott, 6350 Newtown Road. Norfolk, VA 23502
8:00 – 10:00 AM To RSVP call Vanessa 804-343-0010
Recently a Wisconsin-based anti-Christian group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation in association with the ACLU, demanded that Chesapeake City Council cease it’s time honored tradition of opening council session with an uncensored prayer. Click here for more details.
Hampton Roads Prayer Coordinators' Breakfast, Saturday, August 22 at 8:30 A.M., New Life Providence Church, 1244 Thompkins Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. This will be a special Hampton Roads Prayer Coordinators' Breakfast as it falls in our eight annual Month of Prayer; a season of consecration and seeking God by our congregation. Capt Bob Bradbury will speak. Bob is an old friend who has does amazing things in Paraguay and other nations for years in the power of the Spirit and in much prayer. A man's man, Bob is a commercial pilot and retired east coast boat builder and fisherman who maintained a fleet of fishing boats in the northeast. He is an ordained Anglican priest. His stories will be worth the price of admission.
The cost per person is $10, which includes a full buffet breakfast and printed material. You must register!! Please make payment to "New Life Providence Church" with memo "Prayer Coordinator's Breakfast." Please send us some brief information about your church and prayer ministry to be included in a resource booklet. There will also be a table where you may place flyer's, pamphlets, and invitations to your church programs. Email or call 757-502-3618 to register.
Advanced Prophetic Seminar with Isabel Allum, September 10-12.. I heard her the last time she was here. Simply amazing! Philip the Evangelist ( Acts 2:18-19) had "four virgin daughters who were prophetesses". Philip would have been proud to call Isabel one of his daughters. This meeting is at the CBN Chapel, Corporate Support Building, 2nd floor on September 10-12. Thursday - Saturday. 1:30pm & 7pm Sessions. Senior pastors receive complimentary entry and need to specify that they are senior elders on the registration form.
For more information contact Marguerite Evans at
Soaking Prayer: This is a meditative type of prayer that was common in monasteries centuries ago. It is gaining wide popularity worldwide as people seek to listen and abide in the Lord's Presence for long periods of time. Many report increased intimacy with God, greater peace and joy. Basically, you get in a comfortable position ( even laying down) and listen to meditative music while focusing on the Lord. No preaching, no praying out loud, no offering, etc.
It can be a beautiful experience to "be still and know that He is God ( Ps. 46:10)". "Tremble, and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still (Ps. 4:4)."
Venues: New Life Providence & New Life Great Bridge: Monday nights at 7 PM
Harvest Assembly, Thursday nights at 7 PM
CBN Spiritual Gifts Seminar: Monday and Tuesday nights at 7 PM at the Corporate Support Building. Live there and on the web live at with interactive prayers via the web. Cutting-edge technology and ageless ministry from a variety of visiting ministries,specializing in healing, worship and spiritual gifts. A smorgasbord of teaching and experience for those seeking more of God. Free.
CBN Video Testimony Media Center Library: One of the world's largest and best organized video libraries of testimonies from the 700 Club for the last 40 years. A treasure trove of ministry resources that few know about. Thank CBN for this! Send your hurting people to this site to listen to testimonies of others who have survived every possible trial with Jesus' help!
A regional e-zine published for over 18 years with strategic news and resources for Christian leaders in Hampton Roads, Virginia and beyond--- to prepare us all for the revival God is about to bring worldwide. I also publish a national and international version. All are free and available to anyone.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Partners 331: 10 Questions about Health Bill, Gordon Robertson, Sept 11 Prayer Service, English Teachers for China/Asia, Presecuted Christians
10 Key Questions for Your Congressperson about the Health Care Bill: This is the most most reasonable, intelligent set of questions I have seen about the entire bill. This bill has huge implications for America. It could do much good or be a disaster. Please encourage your church to sponsor a town hall meeting with your congressional reps to discuss these 10 questions. Click here to see them.
It is important to get answers to these questions in August before Congress goes back to work in Sept to vote on this massive and important bill.
Gordon Robertson Speaking: August 21-23 at the Hope center in Chesapeake. Must register. Call 321-9811 or online at
Cry Out America is a national prayer movement holding prayer meetings on Sept 11 at city court houses. Chesapeake, VA has one scheduled. Contact Joanne Tavolacci at if you want to help or get more details about the servvice
Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church book. This is apparently the best, one volume set of quotes about the practice and validity of spiritual gifts ( especially the controversial ones) throughout the last 2000 years of Christinaity. $17 on Amazon. $12 on Lulu as PDF.
English Teachers Needed for China:
3 Mo Term: If you can get there ( about $900 to $1200 round-trip airfare), they will give you a free place to stay, $878/mo ( 6000 RMB--that's a lot of money in China) and help you get a 3 month Visa to work there. No degree in English needed, just be a native English speaker. Christian-related (unofficially). This is an opportunity to influence children and their parents to know the Lord. Thousands of Chinese people have received eternal life through American English teachers. (Contact me if interested--editor)
One Year Teaching Term at Major Chinese Universities: Great opportunity to influence future leaders of China.
English Language Institute also sends teachers to several Asian countries. Glenn & Sonia Logston in Virginia Beach have relatives who work with them. Click here to see more.
2 Christian Women in Iran Court. Listen to their Courage! Click Here. See them below. Pray for their release!

Great Violence Against Christians in Pakistan: Click here. Please pray.
It is important to get answers to these questions in August before Congress goes back to work in Sept to vote on this massive and important bill.
Gordon Robertson Speaking: August 21-23 at the Hope center in Chesapeake. Must register. Call 321-9811 or online at
Cry Out America is a national prayer movement holding prayer meetings on Sept 11 at city court houses. Chesapeake, VA has one scheduled. Contact Joanne Tavolacci at if you want to help or get more details about the servvice
Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church book. This is apparently the best, one volume set of quotes about the practice and validity of spiritual gifts ( especially the controversial ones) throughout the last 2000 years of Christinaity. $17 on Amazon. $12 on Lulu as PDF.
English Teachers Needed for China:
3 Mo Term: If you can get there ( about $900 to $1200 round-trip airfare), they will give you a free place to stay, $878/mo ( 6000 RMB--that's a lot of money in China) and help you get a 3 month Visa to work there. No degree in English needed, just be a native English speaker. Christian-related (unofficially). This is an opportunity to influence children and their parents to know the Lord. Thousands of Chinese people have received eternal life through American English teachers. (Contact me if interested--editor)
One Year Teaching Term at Major Chinese Universities: Great opportunity to influence future leaders of China.
English Language Institute also sends teachers to several Asian countries. Glenn & Sonia Logston in Virginia Beach have relatives who work with them. Click here to see more.
2 Christian Women in Iran Court. Listen to their Courage! Click Here. See them below. Pray for their release!

Great Violence Against Christians in Pakistan: Click here. Please pray.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Partners Special Alert: Rick Joyner on Proposed Federal Health Care Plan
Rick Joyner, a mature, wise and respected Christian leader, has just sent out the most incredible review of the proposed Federal Health Care Plan.
House Minority Leader John Boehner, a Republican, and his colleague, Thaddeus McCotter, also issued a statement containing dire warnings about certain provisions of the bill , saying it "may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."
They say, "Section 1233 of the House-drafted legislation encourages health care providers to provide their Medicare patients with counseling on ‘the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration’ and other end of life treatments,'" the pair say. That section "may place seniors in situations where they feel pressured to sign end of life directives they would not otherwise sign."
"This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia if enacted into law. At a minimum this legislative language deserves a full and open public debate – the sort of debate that is impossible to have under the politically-driven deadlines Democratic leaders have arbitrarily set for enactment of a health care bill," they state.
Read this below and follow the first link. The, please get your church to pray for God to protect America from what seems to be the potential for great evil through this legislation. Then, contact your Congressman and let him know you do not support this billas writtne and pray for our nation now! Congress is poised to pass President Obama's National Health Care Bill. Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
Rick Joyner, National Health Scare
"When I read the brief on what was contained in the National Health Care bill that is now being presented before Congress, I could not believe I was reading something that was actually being considered in the United States of America. This is not about money or government mismanagement...this is about euthanasia, the power to determine who lives or dies in America."
If you want to do more research, look at this New York Post Article about the leading health advisor for this terrible bill.
His name is Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel--brother of Obama's Chief of Staff. He is on record stating that he favors giving the elderly much less medical care to save money.
"Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).
In the medical journal, The Lancet, Dr. Emanuel co-wrote, " We recommend an alternative system---the complete lives system---which prioritizes younger people who have not yet lived a complete life, and also incorporates prognosis, save the most lives, lottery, and instrumental value principles.(E J Emanuel MD)
Dr. Emanuel has even researched the potential savings of euthanasia in America in this article in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This article from The Canadian Free Press may also have some valid points on this critical discussion, although it has a very strong editorial slant that I do not endorse:
Friends, we may in the hot dog-days of August, but this is no time to fall asleep at the wheel! I wrote earlier in Partners that God seemed to calling His people in America to prayer this summer. This bill may be why.
If the Church stays silent, much evil could come into America if this bill passes in its present form. All evil needs to flourish is the silence and inaction of God's people.
It is not against the law for pastors and churches to take a stand on a proposed piece of legislation!!!!
I'd say it is our duty as Christians to warn people about evil:
Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
More than that, PRAY FOR:
Bob Fox
House Minority Leader John Boehner, a Republican, and his colleague, Thaddeus McCotter, also issued a statement containing dire warnings about certain provisions of the bill , saying it "may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."
They say, "Section 1233 of the House-drafted legislation encourages health care providers to provide their Medicare patients with counseling on ‘the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration’ and other end of life treatments,'" the pair say. That section "may place seniors in situations where they feel pressured to sign end of life directives they would not otherwise sign."
"This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia if enacted into law. At a minimum this legislative language deserves a full and open public debate – the sort of debate that is impossible to have under the politically-driven deadlines Democratic leaders have arbitrarily set for enactment of a health care bill," they state.
Read this below and follow the first link. The, please get your church to pray for God to protect America from what seems to be the potential for great evil through this legislation. Then, contact your Congressman and let him know you do not support this billas writtne and pray for our nation now! Congress is poised to pass President Obama's National Health Care Bill. Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
Rick Joyner, National Health Scare
"When I read the brief on what was contained in the National Health Care bill that is now being presented before Congress, I could not believe I was reading something that was actually being considered in the United States of America. This is not about money or government mismanagement...this is about euthanasia, the power to determine who lives or dies in America."
If you want to do more research, look at this New York Post Article about the leading health advisor for this terrible bill.
His name is Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel--brother of Obama's Chief of Staff. He is on record stating that he favors giving the elderly much less medical care to save money.
"Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).
In the medical journal, The Lancet, Dr. Emanuel co-wrote, " We recommend an alternative system---the complete lives system---which prioritizes younger people who have not yet lived a complete life, and also incorporates prognosis, save the most lives, lottery, and instrumental value principles.(E J Emanuel MD)
Dr. Emanuel has even researched the potential savings of euthanasia in America in this article in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This article from The Canadian Free Press may also have some valid points on this critical discussion, although it has a very strong editorial slant that I do not endorse:
Friends, we may in the hot dog-days of August, but this is no time to fall asleep at the wheel! I wrote earlier in Partners that God seemed to calling His people in America to prayer this summer. This bill may be why.
If the Church stays silent, much evil could come into America if this bill passes in its present form. All evil needs to flourish is the silence and inaction of God's people.
It is not against the law for pastors and churches to take a stand on a proposed piece of legislation!!!!
I'd say it is our duty as Christians to warn people about evil:
- Eph 5:11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;
- Eze 33:6 "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand."
Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
More than that, PRAY FOR:
- For God to give doctors, hospitals and our government leaders wisdom in reforming our health care.
Bob Fox
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