Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Partners 297: Videos of Muslim Converts, 400th Ann. Events, 24/7 Prayer

More than Dreams: These are five 30-minute, high-quality videos that will rock the Muslim world--and a few other worlds. Thousands of devoted Muslims have had dreams and visions of Jesus over the last 15 years. Hundreds of cases are well documented. Five of those people tell their story of meeting Jesus this way and how it has radically changed their lives. Now you can watch them for free--- right off the internet at this web address:
Please pass this web address along to your church leaders and missionaries. It is a powerful tool to win Muslims.

The Assembly 2007: In 2007, America celebrates its 400th Anniversary of being founded by the Jamestown Colony in 1607. Several prayer events are being planned by Christian leaders in the Hampton Roads area ( See below). Arise America will be in Williamsburg, VA. in June, and another one will be at Fort Monroe, VA.

The largest of these Christian events will probably be at 20th and Atlantic in Virginia Beach on April 29. That 5-hour prayer meeting is called The Assembly 2007. Many national Christian leaders and government officials will gather to pray to rededicate this nation to God as it was dedicated in 1607 by the first colonists here. If God allows, there will be
representatives from Great Britain and Spain there also, along with Native American leaders, to pray together in repentance and reconciliation for the sins of the Jamestown Colony in the founding of this region and this nation.

From April 26-28, a Consecration Conference will be held at the 5200-seat Rock Church sanctuary in Virginia Beach. This conference "will feature major Christian leaders and powerful speakers, nationally-renowned gospel singers, and thousands of believers coming together for one purpose: to call America back to God. Join Bishop John and Pastor Anne Gimenez and noted ministers and speakers like John Hagee, Rod Parsley, and Kenneth Copeland, and many others." Call 757-217-2103 to register. Go to for more deails. Please pray for God to have His way in this historic meeting. I believe that God deeply wants America and Great Britain to repent for those foundational sins so that He can heal our land and lessen His current judgment on America.

Arise America: June 9, 2007 at William and Mary Hall, in Williamsburg, VA. T
his 400th Anniversary meeting will feature Native American leaders ( Chief Ann Richardson at right, is one), African-American leaders and Messianic Jewish leaders. See
to register and get more information.

24/7 Prayer:
If you want to participate by internet any time of the day with the world-famous International House of Prayer in Kansas City, now you can! See For $10 a month you can sign-up and receive a live webstream of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City which is operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. (go to This group worships and prays 24/7 continuously for local, national and world needs. ( Thanks to Dee Dee Johnson for this note)

March 2007, 24/7 Prayer In Tidewater, Virginia: 24-7 day and night prayer is being planned for the month of March, 2007 in 3 locations prior to the 400th anniversary of America. The three 24-7 Houses of Prayer will be held simultaneously in Richmond, Williamsburg and Virginia Beach, Virginia. For information, see If you or your church would like to be involved in one of these Houses of Prayer in March, e-mail

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Partners 296

  1. Carolers Wanted! The Harvest Company Christian Bookstore would really like to share the reason we celebrate Christmas to the shopping community around us and wondered if any of the churches in our area have carolers who would like to help us. We would welcome groups of any age to come and sing on the sidewalk outside our store or stroll the front of the shopping center, giving praise to the One whoÂ’s birth we honor. We will have hot chocolate and cookies in the store for all participants. For more information or to sign up, contact Scottie or Hope at 547-7713.
  2. Free Long-Distance Phone Calls Until December 30: Justdownloadd and install Skype, get a $15 set of headphones with micandn you can make unlimited calls to the US, Canada and Mexico until the end of the month. Length of calls may be limited. See details on their website at Skype is was one of the most amazing products. I call all overthehworldd with it for free through my computer ( to another computer)andn you can call many countries for 2 cents/min computer to regular phone. 75 million people use Skype. Youu can do video conferencing with another person around the word--very good quality--all free!
  3. Healing America's DNA: This is a prophetic word to the Church for 2007. God wants His Church to deal with the sins that started with our founders here in 1607 so He can bless us more and judge us less. You can now buy it online with a credit card in a normal book binding and see previews of the book at You can also download the entire book as a PDF file.Withh that file, you can click right in the PDF document to access all the research links in the footnotes. This book is a resource for a major prayer event on April 29, 2007 in Virginia Beach. See It appears that severalnationall Christian leaders will be at this 6 hour prayer service at20thh & Atlantic in Virginia Beach to pray for America, repent for sin and rededicate our land again to Jesus. Pray that President Bush and Queen Elizabeth and other leaders mentioned in the book will participatee in this historic meeting so that the sins against Native Americans, Spanish Catholics, Blacks, women and other denominationss can finally be biblically dealt with by leaders representing the offenders.
  4. Jobs with Local IT Company: Wanted: Network Technician/Admin --click here to see the job description. Also: This same company is also looking for a part-time receptionist, 20-25 hours a week, $10/hr. Position responsible for answering multiple line phone system, handling mail, general shipping and receiving, typing business correspondence. Proficiency in Word, Excel and Outlook a plus. Interested candidates can email resumes to, or fax them to 757-321-4153.