Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Partners 297: Videos of Muslim Converts, 400th Ann. Events, 24/7 Prayer

More than Dreams: These are five 30-minute, high-quality videos that will rock the Muslim world--and a few other worlds. Thousands of devoted Muslims have had dreams and visions of Jesus over the last 15 years. Hundreds of cases are well documented. Five of those people tell their story of meeting Jesus this way and how it has radically changed their lives. Now you can watch them for free--- right off the internet at this web address:
Please pass this web address along to your church leaders and missionaries. It is a powerful tool to win Muslims.

The Assembly 2007: In 2007, America celebrates its 400th Anniversary of being founded by the Jamestown Colony in 1607. Several prayer events are being planned by Christian leaders in the Hampton Roads area ( See below). Arise America will be in Williamsburg, VA. in June, and another one will be at Fort Monroe, VA.

The largest of these Christian events will probably be at 20th and Atlantic in Virginia Beach on April 29. That 5-hour prayer meeting is called The Assembly 2007. Many national Christian leaders and government officials will gather to pray to rededicate this nation to God as it was dedicated in 1607 by the first colonists here. If God allows, there will be
representatives from Great Britain and Spain there also, along with Native American leaders, to pray together in repentance and reconciliation for the sins of the Jamestown Colony in the founding of this region and this nation.

From April 26-28, a Consecration Conference will be held at the 5200-seat Rock Church sanctuary in Virginia Beach. This conference "will feature major Christian leaders and powerful speakers, nationally-renowned gospel singers, and thousands of believers coming together for one purpose: to call America back to God. Join Bishop John and Pastor Anne Gimenez and noted ministers and speakers like John Hagee, Rod Parsley, and Kenneth Copeland, and many others." Call 757-217-2103 to register. Go to for more deails. Please pray for God to have His way in this historic meeting. I believe that God deeply wants America and Great Britain to repent for those foundational sins so that He can heal our land and lessen His current judgment on America.

Arise America: June 9, 2007 at William and Mary Hall, in Williamsburg, VA. T
his 400th Anniversary meeting will feature Native American leaders ( Chief Ann Richardson at right, is one), African-American leaders and Messianic Jewish leaders. See
to register and get more information.

24/7 Prayer:
If you want to participate by internet any time of the day with the world-famous International House of Prayer in Kansas City, now you can! See For $10 a month you can sign-up and receive a live webstream of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City which is operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. (go to This group worships and prays 24/7 continuously for local, national and world needs. ( Thanks to Dee Dee Johnson for this note)

March 2007, 24/7 Prayer In Tidewater, Virginia: 24-7 day and night prayer is being planned for the month of March, 2007 in 3 locations prior to the 400th anniversary of America. The three 24-7 Houses of Prayer will be held simultaneously in Richmond, Williamsburg and Virginia Beach, Virginia. For information, see If you or your church would like to be involved in one of these Houses of Prayer in March, e-mail

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Partners 296

  1. Carolers Wanted! The Harvest Company Christian Bookstore would really like to share the reason we celebrate Christmas to the shopping community around us and wondered if any of the churches in our area have carolers who would like to help us. We would welcome groups of any age to come and sing on the sidewalk outside our store or stroll the front of the shopping center, giving praise to the One whoÂ’s birth we honor. We will have hot chocolate and cookies in the store for all participants. For more information or to sign up, contact Scottie or Hope at 547-7713.
  2. Free Long-Distance Phone Calls Until December 30: Justdownloadd and install Skype, get a $15 set of headphones with micandn you can make unlimited calls to the US, Canada and Mexico until the end of the month. Length of calls may be limited. See details on their website at Skype is was one of the most amazing products. I call all overthehworldd with it for free through my computer ( to another computer)andn you can call many countries for 2 cents/min computer to regular phone. 75 million people use Skype. Youu can do video conferencing with another person around the word--very good quality--all free!
  3. Healing America's DNA: This is a prophetic word to the Church for 2007. God wants His Church to deal with the sins that started with our founders here in 1607 so He can bless us more and judge us less. You can now buy it online with a credit card in a normal book binding and see previews of the book at You can also download the entire book as a PDF file.Withh that file, you can click right in the PDF document to access all the research links in the footnotes. This book is a resource for a major prayer event on April 29, 2007 in Virginia Beach. See It appears that severalnationall Christian leaders will be at this 6 hour prayer service at20thh & Atlantic in Virginia Beach to pray for America, repent for sin and rededicate our land again to Jesus. Pray that President Bush and Queen Elizabeth and other leaders mentioned in the book will participatee in this historic meeting so that the sins against Native Americans, Spanish Catholics, Blacks, women and other denominationss can finally be biblically dealt with by leaders representing the offenders.
  4. Jobs with Local IT Company: Wanted: Network Technician/Admin --click here to see the job description. Also: This same company is also looking for a part-time receptionist, 20-25 hours a week, $10/hr. Position responsible for answering multiple line phone system, handling mail, general shipping and receiving, typing business correspondence. Proficiency in Word, Excel and Outlook a plus. Interested candidates can email resumes to, or fax them to 757-321-4153.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Partners 294: TX Schools Beg Churches to Help, etc.

Principals in Texas are "Begging" Churches to Adopt Their Schools: Hard to believe but true. When things get bad enough, school and city officials really don't care what message you tell them--as long as it works with out-of-control kids. I hear some pastors from Philadelphia say that very thing in 1993. Troubled schools are often wide-open doors to reach kids and staff with the Gospel. Read about how Texas schools are pleading with churches to get involved with their kids! Click here to read more.

New Terrorist Threat to US: Government Official Asks Christian to Pray!
Jane Hansen, President of an internationally respected women's ministry, Women's Aglow, is alerting the American Church to pray against the new plans of terrorist. A highly placed US government official contacted her to get the word out! Read more here.

Incredible Interview with Pastor Rick Warren, Author of the Purpose Driven Life: In a few words, Rick outlines the essential outlook of a healthy, biblical Christian toward life. Rick comments on his wife's "incurable cancer" and his recent millionaire status from book sales. He is an amazing man who a timeless message. Read the interview here.

Best, Free, small Picture Computer Program: Picassa! This little program by Google is one of the easiest and most fun to use programs to store, organize and share your photo's. You can download the free version from here
They have an even better version that only certain Google users got. Email me if you want a copy of that program that does instant web slide shows of your pictures. You must sign up with a Gmail email account to use it.

Artists Needed for 400th Anniversary of America! Little original art depicting the First Landing in 1607 has been done in the tidewater area where it all happened! Especially needed, are pieces that show the Christian heritage of that historic landing and colony. I have a vision of that First Landing looking down from heaven with angels swirling above while they plant the cross at Cape Henry. Who can do that picture? We need it. Let's show the world in 2007 that Jesus called America into being and that His people--however imperfect--founded this great nation for His glory.

Please give me some feedback on this free e-zine. It takes hours to do. Is anyone reading it?


Bob Fox

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Partners 293: Two Prayer Resources & Healing America's DNA

  1. Two 2006 Prayer & Leadership Conferences
    With Francis Frangipane, Tommy Tenney, Eddie and Alice Smith. Info and to Register, visit: It is hard to imagine that anyone would leave this conference without having been personally refreshed, more discipled as an intercessor and inspired by the leadership of these godly, seasoned and gifted prayer mentors. I highly recommend that you consider attending if you can--Bob Fox
  2. Free 52-week Online School of Prayer: Info and to Enroll at:
I signed up. if you have ever read any of the Smith's books, you know why. Eddie will stretch your thinking on prayer and Alice can show you what it means to meet God in powerful ways in prayer. Read her book Beyond the Veil!--Bob

Healing America's DNA:
Fixing the Defective DNA in America's 1607 Birth

This is 170 page ( 8 x 11) book with over 350 historical and theological footnotes designed to convince the American Church that 2007 is the year God wants us to biblically remove the negative spiritual effects resulting from the sins of our founding fathers in the 1607 Virginia Colony at Jamestown. Some of these historical and biblical arguments can be seen at God wants to use this level of repentance to prepare America for revival and to lessen His current judgment on America for its many sins.

Dr. C. Peter Wagner writes:
"Those of us who pray for America know that when the sins of our forefathers are confessed and remitted, the doors of heaven over our land open even wider. Bob Fox has planned a huge strategic step in this direction for 2007, and
Healing America’s DNA
provides an amazingly vivid and insightful guidebook for this event and more. It is new information that every serious intercessor needs."

As America celebrates the 400th anniversary of this great nation we call America, the American and British Churches can finally confess, repent and seek forgiveness from the four main groups that were abused for decades by our first colonists in Virginia: Native Americans, Blacks, women and non-Anglican denominations. Our sins against them have never been dealt with by the highest levels of authority in America or in Britain.

In 2007, Queen Elizabeth II may well apologize for those grievous mistakes of the British colonists who birthed America from Tidewater, Virginia, the Womb of America. The Queen is the titular head of the United Kingdom and the Church of England. She, more than anyone, has the highest spiritual authority from God (Romans 13) to apologize and seek forgiveness for those British mistakes. America would love her even more for such a gracious act.

If God has His way, and I believe he will, Tidewater will host an unprecedented international service of repentance and reconciliation in 2007 that will address these foundational sins at the highest levels of authority in each group affected.

For example, in addition to the Queen's apologies, Native American's can apologize to the Spanish ambassador and Catholic Church for the massacre of the six Jesuits on the Peninsula on Friday, February 9, 1571. These were Virginia's first Christian martyrs.

Anglicans can apologize to several non-Anglican denominations for abusing and persecuting their forebears in the Virginia Colony. Virginia government leaders can apologize to the eight Virginia tribes for the abusing and defrauding them of land and rights for centuries.

Black leaders can, of course, forgive the British government and Anglican church for starting and condoning the many evils of American slavery of Blacks that began at Jamestown in 1619.

Far from being just a nice idea, scripture makes it abundantly clear that such acts of repentance for the sins of past generations allows God to withdraw His just penalties on the perpetrators of such sins against others. Read chapter Two, Spiritual DNA , on the book's website for more details about that. Dr. Gary Greig, PhD., has an entire chapter, Chapter 18, on the biblical basis for repenting for the sins of others. That chapter is only found in the printed edition of the book. A DVD by Chris Cunningham will be out later that explores these facts with regional Christian leaders.

As some my readers know, I wrote this book in resposne to a burden God gave me for Tidewater and for America. I am not interested in selling books. I am very interested in seeing America cleansed of its current decadence and of the spiriutal influence of past sins. The sins of founders are indelible until dealt with by the Church. They have the power to corrupt each generation until they are rerpented of properly. while some repentacne has happened by local fellowships and groups, the goernments of Great Britain, the United States, Spain adn the heads of denominaitons have never been involved. 2007 is the year to do this, I believe.

Church of America, Church of Tidewater, please heed this call to comply with II Chroniclces 7:13-14 in regard to the sins of our founding fathers as we celebrate the blessings they also brought us 400 years ago. God wants to bless and protect America more but without repentance for current and past sins, that may not be possible. I hope we all hear what God is saying to America now. Revival is coming adn judgment is here more and more. We are at a crossroads in our history as a nation again and only God can safely guide us to green pastures ans still waters again. "Unless the Lord guards the city, the watchmen stays awake in vain....(Psalm 127:1)."

I urge you to read the book and act on it through your leaders. Pray for God to have His way with all this in 2007! Please pray that the Queen agrees to apologize. Please pray that the American and British Church can lead this naiton in sincere and full repentance in word and deed for the sins of 1607-1775 that still haunt us today.


Bob Fox

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

291: OB Sunday, CD Library on Islam, Inernet Evangelism, Free Software

Operation Blessing Sunday: June 11th, 2006

In 2004, it was the Asian tsunami. In 2005, it was Katrina and Rita. Millions dollars and months later, Operation Blessing is still helping rebuild both of those major disaster zones.

Operation Blessing is getting ready for the next round of hurricanes, floods and other disasters in the coming year. They are asking churches to take a special offering, on June 11th which will be be used only for upcoming disaster relief here in the US and around the world

Promotional materials available:

· 5 min. DVD suitable for a Sunday morning service

· 12” x 18” posters and bulletin inserts

You and Operation Blessing, making a difference around the world when disaster strikes. Call Dean at 800-436-6348 for additional information and promotional materials.

UNDERSTAND THE WORLD OF ISLAM -- Global Mapping International has
announced the release of Version 2.0 of its popular World of Islam CD-ROM. Updated for 2006, the CD now contains 39 complete books by respected scholars and practitioners, ten newly-updated maps, an extensive new course on Current Issues in Islam, Hughes classic 750-page Dictionary of Islam, new country profiles, and fourteen new articles on current issues like contextualization and the roots of fundamentalism and militancy in Islam and much more... Over 12,000 pages of fully-searchable content! It's a tremendous resource for any Christian seriously interested in understanding Islam or ministering to Muslims. To learn more, visit on the web, or email or call 719-531-3599 in the USA.

Internet Evangelism: Googling the Gospel
Every day hundreds of people find Jesus on the internet through evangelistic websites. The Web is the only medium which can target any affinity group of people, on the basis of ethnicity, geographic location, culture, hobby, felt need or interest, anywhere in the world. For people in search of God the Web often is one element in a chain of information and relationships. Campus Crusade for Christ, a ministry that works a lot with evangelistic websites, noted that a key element in each person's spiritual journey was email relationships. The web-pages themselves were only a starting point. Effective web ministries often need email mentors.

To help Christians discover the potential of the Web and to mobilize the digital outreach potential of the worldwide church, The Internet Evangelism Coalition (IEC) calls for an Internet Evangelism Day on May 7, 2006, and set up a special website with testimonies and resources. The IEC is an umbrella group of Christian organizations who share a vision for online outreach. ( Source:

Powerful Image Editing software for Free: Gimp for Windows. Her's where to download it. Thanks to Pastor Jess Jackson for the reference:

Monday, April 03, 2006

Partners 290: Passion Play at Chrysler, Joyce Meyer , Nat day of Prayer, General Loves His Enemies

Passion Play Scheduled for Chrysler Hall, Norfolk, VA. April 14-15

"The 2006 production of “THE PLAY” – The Man Called Jesus, presented by TMCJ International Productions, Inc. is scheduled to open at Chrysler Hall, Norfolk, VA for a limited engagement of three performances April 14 at 7:30 PM & April 15 at 3:00 PM and 7:30 PM. The Broadway caliber, thoroughly professional drama depicts the life of Christ from His birth to His resurrection.

This will be the 22nd year that the volunteer company of 400 people from 35 local churches will offer Hampton Roads this life changing production, which features colorful first century period costumes, special effects, authentic sets and live animals. This year’s production will premier guest artists from AcroDramance, of Homestead, FL. The company’s founder Steven Gonzalez has pioneered an innovative style of movement similar to Cirque Du Soleil that blends acrobatics and aerial dance into a captivating art form.

Reserved tickets for THE PLAY are $18, $15 and $12 each, with a group rate offered to purchases of 25 or more tickets for the same performance. Calling (757) 226-5003 can purchase group tickets and receive information. All other tickets can be purchased in person beginning March 6th at Chrysler Hall Box Office, M-F from 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM. They can also be ordered by phone at 757-671-8100 or going to (service charges apply). For further information about THE PLAY, see”

This is a great way to show people the Easter Story and the Gospel Story! Take a pre-saved friend and watch how God opens their eyes to the reality of Jesus and the Father’s love. ---Bob

Joyce Meyer is coming to the Hampton Coliseum April 20, 2006

“Joyce Meyer will be in Hampton, Virginia for 3 unforgettable days! She will be appearing at the Hampton Coliseum beginning Thursday, April 20th and ending Saturday, April 22nd. Admission is FREE, interpretation for the hearing impaired will be provided and their seats will be reserved until the start of each session. Doors open two hours prior to each session! For more information concerning her appearance in Hampton, please go to

Conference Schedule


April 20

7 PM


April 21

10 AM and 7 PM


April 22

10 AM

News item taken from:

Joyce is one of the best practical teachers of the Bible I have ever heard. Few people communicate biblical truth to women, in particular, as well as she does---Bob

Columbian General as Ambassador for Jesus! I heard a man today whose name will be known internationally as soon as his books are published. His stunning testimony is similar to that of the five young men killed in Ecuador in 1950 whose story was just told in the movie At the End of A Spear.

His beautiful 40 years old wife was killed by the fearsome FARC guerillas in Columbia in January 2002 while he was a general fighting them. Through a powerful conversion to Jesus, he came to forgive his wife’s killers and began to reach out to them in love—as the Bible commands. He was later captured by the FARC guerrillas for 22 days. In that time, he began to understand their hearts and they saw his. They all want peace and prosperity for Columbia. He now heads a ministry bringing reconciliation between the guerrillas the Columbian government.

The guerillas now protect him and some in the Columbian government are trying to kill him because he knows too much of about corrupt government officials selling guns and uniforms to the guerillas for millions while pretending to fight them. He is in hiding now to avoid assassination by rich, corrupt leaders in Columbia. Please pray for him. His obedience to the Gospel may serve as an example for how to respond to terrorists worldwide, as well as in Columbia.

Two Synagogues celebrate Israeli Independence Day May 6-7

Two Hampton Roads Messianic Synagogues have joined together to commemorate Israel’s 58th anniversary of being declared a nation in a two-day celebration Saturday and Sunday, May 6th and 7th at the corner of Granby and Thole streets in Norfolk.

Beth Messiah Synagogue of Norfolk and Congregation Zion’s Sake of Newport News will present an outdoor and indoor series of events including Israeli Dancing, music by Kol Simcha, and addresses by Attorney General Bob McDonnell, Congresswomen Joann Davis and Thelma Drake, Holocaust survivor Rose Price, and others.

The outdoor/indoor event will feature Israeli foods, ice cream sundaes, cold drinks and, of course, hot dogs. Special film presentations about the origins of Israel and its Jewish heritage will be presented. There will be children’s activities. Crafts and Judaica will also be available. For more information, contact Norman Berman at Beth Messiah Synagogue, 757-423-3440.

National day of Prayer: May 4th at Rock Church, Virginia Beach

Pastors and church members form throughout the Tidewater Area will come to PRAY FOR OUR NATION! Doors will open at 6:00 PM. Rock Church is located at 620
Kempsville Road
, Virginia Beach
, 23464. If you have any questions or
need further information, please contact the NDP Regional Event
Taskforce Chair, Olivia M. McDonald at (757)226-4305. We must hear
from each congregation by no later than April 20th, 2006 if you wish
to secure reserved seating for your church members. Email
Additionally, if you wish to bring your skillful musicians or choir, please call right away to be considered for those leadership positions.

40 Days of Prayer for Revival: Click here only you are willing to be challenged to seek God radically for the nation. This short testimony brought me to my knees.

Tech Tip: On Getting Website fonts bigger to read, Bob Black responded to last week’s tech tip: “There are some formats where the mouse wheel doesn't work and if it
doesn't work, try holding down the control key while clicking on the plus key (to enlarge fonts) or, clicking on the minus key (to reduce fonts). This usually works all the

Correction: The JAARS event at the airport in Chesapeake on April 22-23 is free, but helicopter rides are $20 and plane rides are $15. (good prices!)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Partners 289: Be on the 700 Club! , Audio on Islam, Free Helicopter Rides

  • Islam’s Challenge to the West:

A free 2.5 hour audio seminar presented by Sam Solomon, a former Middle Eastern Muslim scholar who is now one of the leading Christian apologists addressing issues concerning Islam. Subjects covered: Takeya (permitted lying), Abrogation (one text negates another in the Quran), The Qur'an, Democracy in Islam.

Click here to listen to it. We all need to understand Islam’s challenge better. Remember, God is only allowing this challenge to bring more glory to Him and His Church! Romans 8:28 is still true in all this!

700 Club Wants Your Help:

"Are you living from paycheck to paycheck? Are you in debt? Here's the chance for you and your spouse to receive in-depth teaching from Pat Robertson on developing and keeping marital and financial harmony. We're looking for couples who need an action plan to eliminate debt and are ready to try Pat's financial principles. He'll show you how to set realistic budgets and financial goals, give you tips to get out of credit card debt, advice on where to invest and the most important, teach you the true meaning of reciprocity. If you would like to be a part of our upcoming 700 Club segments, Pat's Financial Boot Camp, and are willing to appear on the show and let our producers follow your "debt diet", please send us your story to .

Free Helicopter Ride with Flying Missionaries!

Take an exciting and educational ride in a missionary's helicopter or airplane; observe computer and translation demonstrations; watch exciting videos and films; thrill to demonstrations of special flying techniques; meet and talk with jungle aviators and translators, and more. Sponsored by JAARS, one of the world’s great missionary flying agencies, serving Wycliffe Bible Translators all over the world, from their base in Waxhaw, N.C. The event is free, but you are encouraged to help the organization through a donation. For more information, call (757) 428-1881. JAARS website: Please help them out. This is one organization that keeps missionaries alive in remote areas of the world and gets them to places that no other vehicle can easily get to!
Saturday, April 22, 2006, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, April 23, 2006, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Free at Chesapeake Regional Airport, 1777 West Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322.

Click here for directions from all points:

From Virginia Beach, VA

  • Get on Interstate 264-W
  • Take the I-64 E exit on the left towards CHESAPEAKE/SUFFOLK
  • Take the exit on the left
  • Merge onto I-64 E
  • At I-64 Exit 291 B and stay in the right lanes onto Great Bridge Blvd.
  • Next light make a right on to Dominion Blvd/RT 17 South. Dominion Blvd.
  • Go approximately 4 miles and make a left on West Road.
  • There should be signs along the route saying Chesapeake Municipal or Regional Airport. The airport is approximately 2 1/2 miles on the left.

My kids and I went to one of these fly-ins a few years ago and we still talk about it to this day. We took a helicopter and an airplane ride that day. And meeting these people, learning about the different languages, cultures, etc. was very educational.- Michael Grice

HILLSONG UNITED Concert: Wednesday, April 5th 7.30pm!

---is coming to the Virginia Beach!!!!

FREE & OPEN to the public

(No Tickets Required) Doors will open at 6.45pm.

Wave Church: 1000 North Great Neck Road, Virginia Beach, PH: 757-481-5005

Medical Coordinator Wanted in Darfur, Sudan:
Christian international aide organization wants to hire a person to oversee their medical work there. Does not need medical degree. Mostly paid position with some fund raising for support. Click here for complete job description linked on left side of the page.

Free Picture Editors:
This piece of free software gets very good reviews fom CNet. I have not tried it. For the more experienced user,but not as heavy duty as Photoshop. Click here
GIMP is another image editor that is amazing---almost as good as the $500 Adobe Photoshop. It is free online and works on PC, MAC or Linux. Click here to get it.

Computer Tip: (
from Kathy Walters)
It's very useful when trying to read small print.
If you hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then turn the wheel
in the middle of your mouse away from you or towards you, the print size
will change - it will either get larger or smaller - depending on which way
you turn the wheel. Try it.

Thank Your for Praying for that Pastor's Wife in Chesapeake! She went home to Jesus last Wednesday despite the fervent prayers of many. We all have a lot to learn about how to pray for the sick in situaitons like this--but we are going to continue to pray!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Partners 288: Pastor's Wife in Chesapeake Is About to Have a Miracle!

Agree with Us for a Miracle: Becky Richardson is the 55-year-old wife of Oscar Richardson, pastor at the Chesapeake Vineyard in the Deep Creek section of Chesapeake.

These are two of my oldest and dearest friends. They helped start that church with me years ago. She had a cerebral aneurism at home last Wednesday. Dozens of people from many local churches have come to the hospital to pray and support this much-loved family day and night for days. Just tonight, March 27, the doctors at Chesapeake General in Chesapeake, VA. declared her clinically dead due to no brain wave activity.

But this is not the end of the story.

It seems that everyone who has come to the hospital to pray over the last six days senses that God is not ready to take Becky home to heaven. Given the lack of brain waves, most Christians would release the person the Lord and stop praying for healing. I have done that in the past. It makes sense. But God, as we know, is not limited by what makes sense to us!

I am asking you all to agree with dozens of us who have known Oscar and Becky for many years that God would glorify Himself greatly in this situation. If He is not ready to take her home, then He intends to do something pretty spectacular to show others Who He is and what He can do. Nothing motivates God more than that. I could be wrong but I fully believe that something amazing is going to happen here that will astound the medical, Christian and non-Christian community. I am not a “name-it-and-claim-it person—nor are the others who agree that God is not done here. God is God. While He generally wants to heal people when asked, if God wants Becky in heaven, that is fine with us. She belongs to Him more than to us. We just don’t believe that her time here is finished.

I know some of you may have never prayed like this, but please pray now that God would raise Becky up miraculously. It's easier not to pray that way, but I believe we will miss the great thing that God wants to do to glorify Himself if we don't. Many souls could come to Jesus as a result of a miracle like this!

You can stay tuned to what is happening to Becky by checking her online Blog at New reports will be put there regularly.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Partners 287: Video for Muslims, Pastors & Politics, Booklet for Masons, Tech Tip

Incredible Video to Reach Muslims

Here is a link to watch one of the most powerful video's a Muslim could see. It shows the true story of how one radical muslim became a follower of Jesus after he had a vision of Jesus and after working for months to discredit the Bible.

It is part of the More than Dreams series that is being released worldwide to show Muslims the love, power and reality of Jesus Christ. I predict that this series will shake the Muslim world as no other video sreies ever has! In the last 15 years, thousands of Muslims have become followers of Jesus after having supernatural encounters with Him in dreams and visions! Now thsoe stories are finally being told with great video artistry. Here's the link:

Rules of Engagement for Pastors and the US Election Process

It can seem very adversarial for churches to get invloved in the eleciton process at any level--local, state or federal. Here are some handy guidelines from an expert, Alice Patterson, President of Justice at the Gate (

"How can pastors educate and mobilize their congregations and still protect their tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?
To read the entire article with guidelines on Political and Lobbying Activities allowed for churches and nonprofit organizations, go to:,,id=120703,00.html
Also visit our website and download a copy of CIVIC GUIDELINES FOR PASTORS AND CHURCHES AT
It's also available in Spanish by requesting it by email or phone at 210-677-8214.

Here are some things churches may do:

  • Educate about issues and elections
  • Distribute nonpartisan Voter Guides
  • Get Out The Vote in a nonpartisan way
  • Register voters
  • Invite candidates to speak as a candidate if all candidates have an equal invitation
  • Hold candidate forums if a broad range of questions are asked
  • Educate on specific legislation and encourage their constituents to call or write about specific legislation if the activities do not constitute a substantial amount of time or resources of the organization
  • Candidates for office may be given the pulpit to share their testimony, teach or speak about an issue and not as a candidate. In that case you don't have to invite other candidates. However, in that instance, there must be no mention of the candidancy and no campaign activity may take place.
  • You may invite all candidates for political office to come to your church to be introduced and prayed over. If only one shows up, he can speak, just as you would have allowed the others to speak. You can't control who comes. You can only control who is invited. Invite all, and you're safe.
  • Pastors may preach about elections and about issues and values. Pastors have always been a plumbline for what is right and what is wrong in a society.

Can pastors endorse candidates? Yes.

  • Pastors may endorse candidates as an individual citizen, but not as an official representative of the church or nonprofit organization. You may have seen "titles for identificational purposes only" after the name of a pastor or leader endorsing a political candidate. That phrase clarifies the fact that the person is a pastor but is not speaking on behalf of his congregation pastor but as a private citizen.
  • Pastors may volunteer for candidates.
  • Pastors may donate to candidates from their personal resources.
Give This to Your Masonic Friends:
Great new booklet online that many Masons will find helpful, called Dear Mr. Mason. See

Send Up to I GB File to Someone Free Over the Internet:
Very easy to use. Great for sending large pictues and video files that can clog their email. They get a message you sent the file and they download it off the web within 7 days.

Partners 286: Feb 26, 2006

  • Over 500 Scientists Proclaim Their Doubts About Darwin's Theory
    Discovery Institute
    February 20, 2006
    The Scientific Dissent From Darwinism list is now located at a new webpage,

    SEATTLE - Over 500 doctoral scientists have now signed a statement publicly expressing their skepticism about the contemporary theory of Darwinian evolution.

    The statement, says the report -- which includes endorsements by members of the prestigious U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Sciences -- was first published by the Seattle-based Discovery Institute in 2001 to challenge statements made in PBS's "Evolution" series which claimed "virtually every scientist in the world believes the theory [evolution] to be true."

    "Darwinists continue to claim that no serious scientists doubt the theory and yet here are 500 scientists who are willing to make public their skepticism about the theory," said John G. West, associate director of Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture (DICSS).

    "Darwin's theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought," said David Berlinski, a signatory and mathematician and philosopher of science with DICSS. "It is large, almost completely useless, and the object of superstitious awe."

    Other prominent signatories, according to the report, include U.S. National Academy of Sciences member Philip Skell, American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow Lyle Jensen, evolutionary biologist and textbook author Stanley Salthe; Smithsonian Institution evolutionary biologist and researcher at the National Institutes of Health's National Center for Biotechnology Information Richard von Sternberg, editor of Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum - the oldest still published biology journal in the world - Giuseppe Sermonti and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences embryologist Lev Beloussov.
    Over 500 Scientists Sign Statement Skeptical of Evolution
    WND Staff/Teresa Neumann Reporting (Feb 21, 2006)

    reports that 514 scientists with doctoral degrees have signed a statement expressing skepticism about Darwin's theory of evolution. The list include 154 biologists, 76 chemists and 63 physicists who hold doctorates in biological sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, computer science and related disciplines.

    More...This is worth reading!<>
(Thank you, Rick Homesley ( for this info. Rick heads up the local Origin Science Association. They have a tremendous lending lirary of books and video and have monthly meetings on both sides of Hampton Roads river tunnel. Debunking evolution is a major need for a Christian society. Without a creator belief, humanity easily loses its way and devolves into increasing chaos. What a breakthorugh this signing is!--Editor)

  • Cell Phone Text Messaging Gives Instant Answers!
    You have to see it to believe it: you can send a question to Google ( 46645 send code) as a text message from your cell phone and get almost instant answers for driving directions, stock quotes, movie locations and times, weather ,dictionary, translation form another language, prices for goods, zip and area codes, math conversions, address for a phone number, etc. Here is a list of some questions you can ask right from your phone ( without web access!). See for a demo of these amazing Google features.
    I suggest you bookmark that page to get quick answers right from that page, also when you are on the internet. It's faster than the web for many specific questions.

  • Theophostic Basic Healing Prayer Video Training

Date: March 17-18, Friday and Saturday

Time: Friday: 8:30 AM- 9:00 PM

Saturday: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM

Facilitator: Frank Meadows LCSW (for more info. call or e-mail)


Location: Church of the Messiah

816 Kempsville Rd.

Chesapeake, VA 23320

Cost: $100.00 Registration Form: Click here

Training; Consists of 8 hours of video training by Dr. Ed Smith, facilitated by Frank Meadows, clinical social worker and Christian Counselor with 27 years experience and over 10,000 hours of Theophostic Healing Prayer experience. Also see videos of Frank Meadows healing sessions and also an afternoon of "Live Demonstrations," of Theophostic Healing Prayer, a video guide and 350 page training manual.

  • Frank is also requesting prayer for missions trip to Ankara, Turkey in which we have been asked to train and minister to key evangelical pastors, healing prayer ministers and Christian Counselors in Theophostic Healing Prayer. March 31-March 12.

Pastor Ihsan Ozbek the former president of the Evangelical Alliance of Protestant Churches in Turkey will host the conference. Missionaries who have connected us with Pastor Ozbek said that he is an influential leader in what happens in the church in Turkey and what happens in Turkey has influence in the evangelical church through out the Middle East.

Please pray for success, personal healing of the leaders and safety for Frank and the team from Pittsburgh on this trip. Healed leaders will win, train and send more workers for the harvest!! Let’s pray that God uses Frank to set the leaders free so they can set others free in all that Jesus has for them! Click here for his complete list of prayer requests for this mission’s trip to Christian leaders in Turkey.

  • Local Restaurant Dedicated to Needy Philippine Kids! The Sunrise Breakfast Shoppe is not only a "Best of Hampton Roads" breakfast place, it is also a marketplace ministry openly dedicated to international mission!
    • Joe & Vergie McGourn own and operate this delightful restaurant ( open 6 AM-2 PM) in the strip mall on Battlefield Blvd on the right just before you cross the bridge at Great Bridge heading South. From the wall covered with pictures of the kids they support to the server’s shirts that say "Jesus loves you" in Tagalog (a Filipino language), you can quickly tell that money is not the main reason this business is in business.
    • They started 7 Christian schools ( 510 kids), they are opening a medical/dental center and they support a home for abandoned, abused and exploited kids, ages 2-17 in Quezon City, a suburb of Manila.
    • The last Friday night of each month ( March 31 is next), they host a $10/plate meal at the restaurant from 5-9 PM. All the proceeds goes to their work with the kids in Quezon city!

So--take the kids and enjoy a great breakfast (including a Filipino one) or the Friday dinner--knowing that you are supporting needy kids on the other side of the world from here! Call 757-436-9534 for more info.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Partners 285, Feb 25, 2006

Coach Joe Gibbs has agreed to speak at the Gathering of Men Breakfast on Thursday, March 30th at Liberty Baptist Church, located at 1021 Big Bethel Road in Hampton. $15 per man. Breakfast is 6:00-6:48AM, program at 7:00-8:15 AM. Only men 18 years old and up will be admitted. In addition to hearing Joe Gibbs, five $100 Gift Certificates to local sporting goods stores will be given away at the end of the breakfast.

Click here for the ticket order form. Please fill it out and mail it to the address at the bottom of the form and we will get your tickets out the same day we receive your order. For more information about the Gathering of Men, please go to our website at Thank you.

Ike Newingham
Gathering of Men
Executive Director

  1. Youth Challenge Needs Two Full-time, Residential Women Workers

to disciple women in its Newport News, VA facility for women with substance abuse issues.

Youth Challenge has done extraordinary work in helping adults overcome alcohol and drug abuse in Hampton Roads for over 25 years.

Judges regualrly send folks there because they know how effective the highly Christian program is. It is like a mini-Bible School for residents who live there for about a year. As a pastor, I sent two people there with great results! Please contact them at 757-244-1234 if interested. Rev. Troy Collier is the founder abd director of both the men's and the women's programs there.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Partners 284

  • Scottish Coal Miner Dies: William Cook--he was my uncle--and I loved him. Other US coal miners have recently and tragically died, but I have to commemorate the man who held me as a baby after being born to his sister in his parent's home on cold, snowy day in Scotland in 1947. His lungs finally sucumbed to the decades of coal dust in them. He was 79. The eulogy I wrote for him can be found here.

  • Signs and Wonders Conference at Founders Inn in Virginia Beach, VA February 16-18, 2006. Each year, John and Carol Arnott come here with their team from Toronto Canada to bless the people of the Hampton Roads area. They pastor a church there that has had over three million people visit it in meetings that have been held six nights a week for over 11 years!

What God does there is often called The Toronto Blessing. I visited their church in March 1994 as a weary local pastor. I came back a different person. I returned to my First Love--God the Father. My zeal for God and ministry was restored, my spiritual gifts grew stronger and God gave me a new understanding that He sees one one Church in Tidewater--composed of all the Christians there. He has a mission and a revival for that one Church that it can accomplish only by working together. The Toronto Blessing changed my life for the better in so many ways.

This year Gordon Robertson of CBN will be one of the main speakers. Gordon has a deep commitment to seeing believers serve others in the power of the Spirit's gifts. He usually pours himself into these meetings, staying late to pray with and for people. His own life has been radically changed by the signs and wonders Jesus gave to His Church to spread the Gospel. His stories and his teachings will inspire, refresh and train you to do the works of Jesus more often and more confidently. Click here for more details: Evening sessions are free to the public. Seating is limited.

  • Elijah Company Missionary Training Camp - February 23-26, 2006 at Living Waters Farm, Virginia. The four days are a concentrated time imparting vision and tools for those sending or preparing to go. Realities, practicalities, awareness and spiritual arming are all areas covered. In the last five years, 165 have been trained in the camps with over 51 now serving in different capacities around the world.

Many have said it was the place where God met them and jump started their call. Pastors and missions leaders have also come to see how to better prepare their people for missions. For information or applications write to or call (757) 226-3507. See our web site at for more information. Enrollment is limited to thirty and applications must be received at least two weeks before the training.

The founder and director of Elijah Company, Norman J.P. shares with churches and fellowship groups about missions. He covers topics relating to the importance of missions for the local church and growth and how to be increasingly involved in praying and sending to the nations. For many he has open doors into the world of missionary service. If you would like him to do a teaching on missions for your church or fellowship group write to him at or call (757) 226-3507.

  • Bishop Wellington Boone Preaching at Regent University Jan 30th to Jan 3rd at noon. Local pastors and leaders only invited to join the Regent/CBN community. Not open to the general public due to space. This is a Regent/CBN internal chapel series. But, with a fast internet conneciton, you can watch the whole series online at

Tuesday night Wellington will speak at the Moot Court at Regent--also restricted. Wednesday night he is at Rock Church, Virginia Beach, and that is open to the public.