THE ENEMY FEARS OUR PRAYERS: All over the world, Christians are being persecuted just for praying. Look at this site for a list of such attacks. The Chesapeake City Council opens with prayer ( thank God!) and now a group wants to stop that.
Pastors For Family Values invites you to a Complimentary Pastor Breakfast
Spring Hill Suites by Marriott, 6350 Newtown Road. Norfolk, VA 23502
8:00 – 10:00 AM To RSVP call Vanessa 804-343-0010
Recently a Wisconsin-based anti-Christian group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation in association with the ACLU, demanded that Chesapeake City Council cease it’s time honored tradition of opening council session with an uncensored prayer. Click here for more details.
Hampton Roads Prayer Coordinators' Breakfast, Saturday, August 22 at 8:30 A.M., New Life Providence Church, 1244 Thompkins Lane, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. This will be a special Hampton Roads Prayer Coordinators' Breakfast as it falls in our eight annual Month of Prayer; a season of consecration and seeking God by our congregation. Capt Bob Bradbury will speak. Bob is an old friend who has does amazing things in Paraguay and other nations for years in the power of the Spirit and in much prayer. A man's man, Bob is a commercial pilot and retired east coast boat builder and fisherman who maintained a fleet of fishing boats in the northeast. He is an ordained Anglican priest. His stories will be worth the price of admission.
The cost per person is $10, which includes a full buffet breakfast and printed material. You must register!! Please make payment to "New Life Providence Church" with memo "Prayer Coordinator's Breakfast." Please send us some brief information about your church and prayer ministry to be included in a resource booklet. There will also be a table where you may place flyer's, pamphlets, and invitations to your church programs. Email or call 757-502-3618 to register.
Advanced Prophetic Seminar with Isabel Allum, September 10-12.. I heard her the last time she was here. Simply amazing! Philip the Evangelist ( Acts 2:18-19) had "four virgin daughters who were prophetesses". Philip would have been proud to call Isabel one of his daughters. This meeting is at the CBN Chapel, Corporate Support Building, 2nd floor on September 10-12. Thursday - Saturday. 1:30pm & 7pm Sessions. Senior pastors receive complimentary entry and need to specify that they are senior elders on the registration form.
For more information contact Marguerite Evans at
Soaking Prayer: This is a meditative type of prayer that was common in monasteries centuries ago. It is gaining wide popularity worldwide as people seek to listen and abide in the Lord's Presence for long periods of time. Many report increased intimacy with God, greater peace and joy. Basically, you get in a comfortable position ( even laying down) and listen to meditative music while focusing on the Lord. No preaching, no praying out loud, no offering, etc.
It can be a beautiful experience to "be still and know that He is God ( Ps. 46:10)". "Tremble, and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still (Ps. 4:4)."
Venues: New Life Providence & New Life Great Bridge: Monday nights at 7 PM
Harvest Assembly, Thursday nights at 7 PM
CBN Spiritual Gifts Seminar: Monday and Tuesday nights at 7 PM at the Corporate Support Building. Live there and on the web live at with interactive prayers via the web. Cutting-edge technology and ageless ministry from a variety of visiting ministries,specializing in healing, worship and spiritual gifts. A smorgasbord of teaching and experience for those seeking more of God. Free.
CBN Video Testimony Media Center Library: One of the world's largest and best organized video libraries of testimonies from the 700 Club for the last 40 years. A treasure trove of ministry resources that few know about. Thank CBN for this! Send your hurting people to this site to listen to testimonies of others who have survived every possible trial with Jesus' help!
A regional e-zine published for over 18 years with strategic news and resources for Christian leaders in Hampton Roads, Virginia and beyond--- to prepare us all for the revival God is about to bring worldwide. I also publish a national and international version. All are free and available to anyone.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Partners 331: 10 Questions about Health Bill, Gordon Robertson, Sept 11 Prayer Service, English Teachers for China/Asia, Presecuted Christians
10 Key Questions for Your Congressperson about the Health Care Bill: This is the most most reasonable, intelligent set of questions I have seen about the entire bill. This bill has huge implications for America. It could do much good or be a disaster. Please encourage your church to sponsor a town hall meeting with your congressional reps to discuss these 10 questions. Click here to see them.
It is important to get answers to these questions in August before Congress goes back to work in Sept to vote on this massive and important bill.
Gordon Robertson Speaking: August 21-23 at the Hope center in Chesapeake. Must register. Call 321-9811 or online at
Cry Out America is a national prayer movement holding prayer meetings on Sept 11 at city court houses. Chesapeake, VA has one scheduled. Contact Joanne Tavolacci at if you want to help or get more details about the servvice
Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church book. This is apparently the best, one volume set of quotes about the practice and validity of spiritual gifts ( especially the controversial ones) throughout the last 2000 years of Christinaity. $17 on Amazon. $12 on Lulu as PDF.
English Teachers Needed for China:
3 Mo Term: If you can get there ( about $900 to $1200 round-trip airfare), they will give you a free place to stay, $878/mo ( 6000 RMB--that's a lot of money in China) and help you get a 3 month Visa to work there. No degree in English needed, just be a native English speaker. Christian-related (unofficially). This is an opportunity to influence children and their parents to know the Lord. Thousands of Chinese people have received eternal life through American English teachers. (Contact me if interested--editor)
One Year Teaching Term at Major Chinese Universities: Great opportunity to influence future leaders of China.
English Language Institute also sends teachers to several Asian countries. Glenn & Sonia Logston in Virginia Beach have relatives who work with them. Click here to see more.
2 Christian Women in Iran Court. Listen to their Courage! Click Here. See them below. Pray for their release!

Great Violence Against Christians in Pakistan: Click here. Please pray.
It is important to get answers to these questions in August before Congress goes back to work in Sept to vote on this massive and important bill.
Gordon Robertson Speaking: August 21-23 at the Hope center in Chesapeake. Must register. Call 321-9811 or online at
Cry Out America is a national prayer movement holding prayer meetings on Sept 11 at city court houses. Chesapeake, VA has one scheduled. Contact Joanne Tavolacci at if you want to help or get more details about the servvice
Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church book. This is apparently the best, one volume set of quotes about the practice and validity of spiritual gifts ( especially the controversial ones) throughout the last 2000 years of Christinaity. $17 on Amazon. $12 on Lulu as PDF.
English Teachers Needed for China:
3 Mo Term: If you can get there ( about $900 to $1200 round-trip airfare), they will give you a free place to stay, $878/mo ( 6000 RMB--that's a lot of money in China) and help you get a 3 month Visa to work there. No degree in English needed, just be a native English speaker. Christian-related (unofficially). This is an opportunity to influence children and their parents to know the Lord. Thousands of Chinese people have received eternal life through American English teachers. (Contact me if interested--editor)
One Year Teaching Term at Major Chinese Universities: Great opportunity to influence future leaders of China.
English Language Institute also sends teachers to several Asian countries. Glenn & Sonia Logston in Virginia Beach have relatives who work with them. Click here to see more.
2 Christian Women in Iran Court. Listen to their Courage! Click Here. See them below. Pray for their release!

Great Violence Against Christians in Pakistan: Click here. Please pray.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Partners Special Alert: Rick Joyner on Proposed Federal Health Care Plan
Rick Joyner, a mature, wise and respected Christian leader, has just sent out the most incredible review of the proposed Federal Health Care Plan.
House Minority Leader John Boehner, a Republican, and his colleague, Thaddeus McCotter, also issued a statement containing dire warnings about certain provisions of the bill , saying it "may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."
They say, "Section 1233 of the House-drafted legislation encourages health care providers to provide their Medicare patients with counseling on ‘the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration’ and other end of life treatments,'" the pair say. That section "may place seniors in situations where they feel pressured to sign end of life directives they would not otherwise sign."
"This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia if enacted into law. At a minimum this legislative language deserves a full and open public debate – the sort of debate that is impossible to have under the politically-driven deadlines Democratic leaders have arbitrarily set for enactment of a health care bill," they state.
Read this below and follow the first link. The, please get your church to pray for God to protect America from what seems to be the potential for great evil through this legislation. Then, contact your Congressman and let him know you do not support this billas writtne and pray for our nation now! Congress is poised to pass President Obama's National Health Care Bill. Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
Rick Joyner, National Health Scare
"When I read the brief on what was contained in the National Health Care bill that is now being presented before Congress, I could not believe I was reading something that was actually being considered in the United States of America. This is not about money or government mismanagement...this is about euthanasia, the power to determine who lives or dies in America."
If you want to do more research, look at this New York Post Article about the leading health advisor for this terrible bill.
His name is Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel--brother of Obama's Chief of Staff. He is on record stating that he favors giving the elderly much less medical care to save money.
"Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).
In the medical journal, The Lancet, Dr. Emanuel co-wrote, " We recommend an alternative system---the complete lives system---which prioritizes younger people who have not yet lived a complete life, and also incorporates prognosis, save the most lives, lottery, and instrumental value principles.(E J Emanuel MD)
Dr. Emanuel has even researched the potential savings of euthanasia in America in this article in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This article from The Canadian Free Press may also have some valid points on this critical discussion, although it has a very strong editorial slant that I do not endorse:
Friends, we may in the hot dog-days of August, but this is no time to fall asleep at the wheel! I wrote earlier in Partners that God seemed to calling His people in America to prayer this summer. This bill may be why.
If the Church stays silent, much evil could come into America if this bill passes in its present form. All evil needs to flourish is the silence and inaction of God's people.
It is not against the law for pastors and churches to take a stand on a proposed piece of legislation!!!!
I'd say it is our duty as Christians to warn people about evil:
Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
More than that, PRAY FOR:
Bob Fox
House Minority Leader John Boehner, a Republican, and his colleague, Thaddeus McCotter, also issued a statement containing dire warnings about certain provisions of the bill , saying it "may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."
They say, "Section 1233 of the House-drafted legislation encourages health care providers to provide their Medicare patients with counseling on ‘the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration’ and other end of life treatments,'" the pair say. That section "may place seniors in situations where they feel pressured to sign end of life directives they would not otherwise sign."
"This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia if enacted into law. At a minimum this legislative language deserves a full and open public debate – the sort of debate that is impossible to have under the politically-driven deadlines Democratic leaders have arbitrarily set for enactment of a health care bill," they state.
Read this below and follow the first link. The, please get your church to pray for God to protect America from what seems to be the potential for great evil through this legislation. Then, contact your Congressman and let him know you do not support this billas writtne and pray for our nation now! Congress is poised to pass President Obama's National Health Care Bill. Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
Rick Joyner, National Health Scare
"When I read the brief on what was contained in the National Health Care bill that is now being presented before Congress, I could not believe I was reading something that was actually being considered in the United States of America. This is not about money or government mismanagement...this is about euthanasia, the power to determine who lives or dies in America."
If you want to do more research, look at this New York Post Article about the leading health advisor for this terrible bill.
His name is Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel--brother of Obama's Chief of Staff. He is on record stating that he favors giving the elderly much less medical care to save money.
"Savings, he writes, will require changing how doctors think about their patients: Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath too seriously, "as an imperative to do everything for the patient regardless of the cost or effects on others" (Journal of the American Medical Association, June 18, 2008).
In the medical journal, The Lancet, Dr. Emanuel co-wrote, " We recommend an alternative system---the complete lives system---which prioritizes younger people who have not yet lived a complete life, and also incorporates prognosis, save the most lives, lottery, and instrumental value principles.(E J Emanuel MD)
Dr. Emanuel has even researched the potential savings of euthanasia in America in this article in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This article from The Canadian Free Press may also have some valid points on this critical discussion, although it has a very strong editorial slant that I do not endorse:
Friends, we may in the hot dog-days of August, but this is no time to fall asleep at the wheel! I wrote earlier in Partners that God seemed to calling His people in America to prayer this summer. This bill may be why.
If the Church stays silent, much evil could come into America if this bill passes in its present form. All evil needs to flourish is the silence and inaction of God's people.
It is not against the law for pastors and churches to take a stand on a proposed piece of legislation!!!!
I'd say it is our duty as Christians to warn people about evil:
- Eph 5:11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;
- Eze 33:6 "But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand."
Go here to get contact info for your federal lawmakers:
More than that, PRAY FOR:
- For God to give doctors, hospitals and our government leaders wisdom in reforming our health care.
Bob Fox
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Partners 330: Sept 11 Prayer, Virginia Retreat Centers, Native Americans & Economy,KIds Camp
Sept 11 Prayer at Courthouses: A group of well-known national ministries is coordinating prayer at courthouses on Sept 11 for a new national awakening. More details later on local expressions of that. This looks good and hopefully will include much repentance for the sins of America and for the sins of the American Church. Only massive repentance by the Church of America can turn the hand of God to bless America again, as 2 Chron. 7:13-14 illustrate. Politicians cannot fix America. Only the Church can. God is disciplining America for its sins. Our economy is His target. Only repentance will pull us out of this economic nosedive. See for details about the Sept 11 event.
Virginia Retreat Centers: Click here to see the list. Beware, some are flaky, scary new age places but others look OK. The list at the bottom of the page is the best one I have seen so far but not fully complete. One place that should be added is Living Water Farm in Valentine, VA. This is my favorite place for personal and group retreats. The folks who run it are amazing Christians and it is a working cattle farm with chickens and friendly dogs running around.
Native Americans and America's Failing Economy: The centuries of deceit and violence against Native Americans began in Tidewater, Virginia, home of the first permanent English colony in North America. Greedy Christian settlers tricked and forced Native Americans off their lands, BROKE EVERY TREATY CHRISTIAN AMERICA MADE WITH THEM, forced them onto concentration camp-like reservations, massacred them and stripped them of their language and culture even into the 20th century. Click here to see an excerpt from my book, HEALING AMERICA'S DNA, a historical/theological analysis of the sins of the Jamestown colony and how they affect America today. There are sins our ancestors committed against Native Americans that few churches in America have admitted, confessed or tried to rectify. II Sam 21 tells us how God cursed Israel for similar sins in the reign of David because of sins committed by an earlier generation against a non-Christian people, the Gibeonites.
In order for America to fully prosper again, America must secure the blessing of Native Americans. It is not too late for Christian congregations to repent, for Christian businesspeople and Christian government leaders to make some restitution, so that God may have greater mercy on our land again.
Just think of what good could happen if each of the 1400 churches in Tidewater adopted one Tidewater Native American family to bless them each year in some way, if Christian businesses and government leaders helped Tidewater Native Americans get jobs and prosper. It would be a beginning to heal the wounds of generations of the Host People who owned this land for millennia before 1607. Such repentance and kindness could move God to release greater blessings and protection on America---and glorify His Name among those we should have loved when we settled their land.
Camp for Kids: August 10-15 at Friend's Bible Camp in Wakefield. It is an overnight camp for kids between 6 and 13 years old. The cost is $100 per child, with partial scholarships available. Faith Bible Church in VB has a web page with a link that has a flyer and application. The camp is mostly for inner-city kids with an emphasis on Christian Character Qualities. For verses memorized during the week, the campers receive school supplies! They will have a praise and worship band there all week with crafts, swimming, games and skits. Contact Beth Iman 420-7630, 235-4496. Email:
Virginia Retreat Centers: Click here to see the list. Beware, some are flaky, scary new age places but others look OK. The list at the bottom of the page is the best one I have seen so far but not fully complete. One place that should be added is Living Water Farm in Valentine, VA. This is my favorite place for personal and group retreats. The folks who run it are amazing Christians and it is a working cattle farm with chickens and friendly dogs running around.
Native Americans and America's Failing Economy: The centuries of deceit and violence against Native Americans began in Tidewater, Virginia, home of the first permanent English colony in North America. Greedy Christian settlers tricked and forced Native Americans off their lands, BROKE EVERY TREATY CHRISTIAN AMERICA MADE WITH THEM, forced them onto concentration camp-like reservations, massacred them and stripped them of their language and culture even into the 20th century. Click here to see an excerpt from my book, HEALING AMERICA'S DNA, a historical/theological analysis of the sins of the Jamestown colony and how they affect America today. There are sins our ancestors committed against Native Americans that few churches in America have admitted, confessed or tried to rectify. II Sam 21 tells us how God cursed Israel for similar sins in the reign of David because of sins committed by an earlier generation against a non-Christian people, the Gibeonites.
In order for America to fully prosper again, America must secure the blessing of Native Americans. It is not too late for Christian congregations to repent, for Christian businesspeople and Christian government leaders to make some restitution, so that God may have greater mercy on our land again.
Just think of what good could happen if each of the 1400 churches in Tidewater adopted one Tidewater Native American family to bless them each year in some way, if Christian businesses and government leaders helped Tidewater Native Americans get jobs and prosper. It would be a beginning to heal the wounds of generations of the Host People who owned this land for millennia before 1607. Such repentance and kindness could move God to release greater blessings and protection on America---and glorify His Name among those we should have loved when we settled their land.
Camp for Kids: August 10-15 at Friend's Bible Camp in Wakefield. It is an overnight camp for kids between 6 and 13 years old. The cost is $100 per child, with partial scholarships available. Faith Bible Church in VB has a web page with a link that has a flyer and application. The camp is mostly for inner-city kids with an emphasis on Christian Character Qualities. For verses memorized during the week, the campers receive school supplies! They will have a praise and worship band there all week with crafts, swimming, games and skits. Contact Beth Iman 420-7630, 235-4496. Email:
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Partners 329: Teens Healing Teens, Recommended Ministries, I am a Pastor Again, Prayer for Muslims Resources
Teens Healing Teens at Disneyland! Joel Hill, a local teen from Virginia Beach, was one of them. Click here to see this wonderful and amazing set of YouTube clips from that day of healing. This is the future of Christianity worldwide. Go teens!!!! Jesus' ministry was primarily as an itinerant preacher, healer and exorcist in the public places of Israel. The world still needs that kind of ministry in the streets. People need more than words to believe. They need to see demonstrations of His power. That's how Jesus proclaimed the Gospel: show and tell. Joel Hill leads a bible study at Kempsville Presbyterian in Virginia Beach on Tuesday nights at 7 PM.
Church Ministries I Recommend. Since God sees only one Church in Tidewater, composed of all of His kids who meet in different buildings and denominations, we can avail ourselves of the full range of ministries God has provided for His children in our region so that we can grow and be more fruitful. Every church has a special ministry or two that can bless the larger Body of Christ. I hope you will taste and see the Lord's goodness in these:
Wed Morning Prayer: 6:30 to 7:30 at New Life Providence in Virginia Beach. Consistently one of the best early morning church prayer meeting I've been in. Call 757-227-6930 for details.
Senior Ladies Group: 9:30 to 11:30 each Thursday at Kempsville Presbyterian in Virginia Beach. This small group of godly ladies, (ranging in age form 60 to 85) has ministered to many leaders in Tidewater over the years.They love to worship, pray and serve leaders. They are mature, wise, full of the Spirit and full of love for anyone who visits. Call the church at 495-1913 or call Fran Truit, the leader at 757-547-3233 for details.
Our New Church: I am now the pastor of Revival Life Church, currently a house church in Virginia Beach. We plan to grow and be a different sort of church in some respects while keeping the main things the main things. Click here to see more details. Pray that we follow Jesus faithfully. Please tell your friends who do not have a church. We now meet in our home at 5208 Canoe Landing, Virginia Beach, VA. 23464 at 10:30 on Sundays and 7 PM on Wednesdays. My cell is 802-1423.
Two Reasons for Americans to Pray for the Conversion of Muslims during Ramadan, Aug 22 to Sept 20: 1) God is targeting Muslims for salvation in many ways. He loves them passionately. 2) In addition, Muslims have invaded and greatly influenced Europe through immigration and high-placed Muslims in every government & major university of Europe. Sharia law is now part of domestic law in Great Britain! America is next on the Muslim agenda. The conversion of Muslims is the only sure answer to Islamic terrorism and the increasing Islamic influence in America. Every church in America should be praying for Muslims to know Jesus!
Click here for a list of free and inexpensive prayer resources to win Muslims to Jesus. The list is just below our church vision.
Bob Fox
Church Ministries I Recommend. Since God sees only one Church in Tidewater, composed of all of His kids who meet in different buildings and denominations, we can avail ourselves of the full range of ministries God has provided for His children in our region so that we can grow and be more fruitful. Every church has a special ministry or two that can bless the larger Body of Christ. I hope you will taste and see the Lord's goodness in these:
Wed Morning Prayer: 6:30 to 7:30 at New Life Providence in Virginia Beach. Consistently one of the best early morning church prayer meeting I've been in. Call 757-227-6930 for details.
Senior Ladies Group: 9:30 to 11:30 each Thursday at Kempsville Presbyterian in Virginia Beach. This small group of godly ladies, (ranging in age form 60 to 85) has ministered to many leaders in Tidewater over the years.They love to worship, pray and serve leaders. They are mature, wise, full of the Spirit and full of love for anyone who visits. Call the church at 495-1913 or call Fran Truit, the leader at 757-547-3233 for details.
Our New Church: I am now the pastor of Revival Life Church, currently a house church in Virginia Beach. We plan to grow and be a different sort of church in some respects while keeping the main things the main things. Click here to see more details. Pray that we follow Jesus faithfully. Please tell your friends who do not have a church. We now meet in our home at 5208 Canoe Landing, Virginia Beach, VA. 23464 at 10:30 on Sundays and 7 PM on Wednesdays. My cell is 802-1423.
Two Reasons for Americans to Pray for the Conversion of Muslims during Ramadan, Aug 22 to Sept 20: 1) God is targeting Muslims for salvation in many ways. He loves them passionately. 2) In addition, Muslims have invaded and greatly influenced Europe through immigration and high-placed Muslims in every government & major university of Europe. Sharia law is now part of domestic law in Great Britain! America is next on the Muslim agenda. The conversion of Muslims is the only sure answer to Islamic terrorism and the increasing Islamic influence in America. Every church in America should be praying for Muslims to know Jesus!
Click here for a list of free and inexpensive prayer resources to win Muslims to Jesus. The list is just below our church vision.
Bob Fox
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Partners 328: Summer Job for Students, Dallas Plemmons, Roger and Marion Copeland, $20/year phone, Free HD TV
Summer of Prayer: That's what some Hampton Road Christian leaders are sensing for this summer. This is a summer to pray, not primarily play. Serious things are in the works. Something is stirring in the Spirit. I sense that America's spiritual defenses are down. Odd and powerful things are happening: The bankruptcy of America's greatest auto giant, GM; the bankruptcy of California, the world's 8th largest economy ( now paying creditors with IOU's); the successful hacking of many of America's key government computers, the strange flood in the main tunnel to the Peninsula, etc. This is a summer to pray more---not less.
Dallas Plemmons: Dallas has been in public ministry for over 50 years,mainly as an evangelist. His story has been told on TV and in his book, "Hell in the Land of the Morning Calm". Former prizefighter for the US Army, former Chinese POW in the Korean War and global evangelist with a healing ministry, Dallas is a man's man who is now very ill at home in Virginia Beach. I encourage you to pray for him and his dear wife, Zonie, as Dallas struggles to recover from multiple strokes. Ask God to help Dallas live out his final days in health--as many as the Lord gives him. You can send words of encouragement to : P.O. Box 2213, Virginia Beach VA 23450. Phone:
$20/yr Phone Service: The MajicJack costs $40, plugs into your computer and includes a year's worth of unlimited local and long-distance calls. (Free international calls to other MagicJack users, too.) After that, you'll pay just $20 per year. I use this thing, and it works. Not perfect, but it works, with free voicemail messages emailed to you, caller ID, three-way-calling, 911 calls, etc. Can take on road with you. You can buy online, at Best Buy or WalMart.
Free HD TV: I got rid of Cox phone and use Magic jack for a home line ( as well as a cell). I also got rid of Cox Cable and get about 15 free over the air TV channels, some of them HD, by installing a high-gain UHF antennae in my attic. With a flat-screen TV, the picture is amazing and the savings from using Magic Jack and free TV will pay for the flat-screen TV.
Bob Fox
Dallas Plemmons: Dallas has been in public ministry for over 50 years,mainly as an evangelist. His story has been told on TV and in his book, "Hell in the Land of the Morning Calm". Former prizefighter for the US Army, former Chinese POW in the Korean War and global evangelist with a healing ministry, Dallas is a man's man who is now very ill at home in Virginia Beach. I encourage you to pray for him and his dear wife, Zonie, as Dallas struggles to recover from multiple strokes. Ask God to help Dallas live out his final days in health--as many as the Lord gives him. You can send words of encouragement to : P.O. Box 2213, Virginia Beach VA 23450. Phone:
1-757-486-0001 and email :
Pastors Roger & Marion Copeland: After 30 years of ministry in Hampton roads, they are moving to Harrisonburg, VA to work with their son in a large Mennonite ministry there to the homeless of that region. Founder of Revival Life Church 12 years ago, the Copelands are leaving town on July 18. Messages can be sent to them at:
Summer Jobs for Students: The McDonnell campaign is hiring paid interns to reach out (via door-to-door) to a targeted group of voters. The paid internship hours are Monday through Thursday from 5-8 pm and on Sundays from 2-5pm. The program runs though July and probably into early August. The compensation is $10.00 per hour. Contact cindyrhodes@cox.netPastors Roger & Marion Copeland: After 30 years of ministry in Hampton roads, they are moving to Harrisonburg, VA to work with their son in a large Mennonite ministry there to the homeless of that region. Founder of Revival Life Church 12 years ago, the Copelands are leaving town on July 18. Messages can be sent to them at:
$20/yr Phone Service: The MajicJack costs $40, plugs into your computer and includes a year's worth of unlimited local and long-distance calls. (Free international calls to other MagicJack users, too.) After that, you'll pay just $20 per year. I use this thing, and it works. Not perfect, but it works, with free voicemail messages emailed to you, caller ID, three-way-calling, 911 calls, etc. Can take on road with you. You can buy online, at Best Buy or WalMart.
Free HD TV: I got rid of Cox phone and use Magic jack for a home line ( as well as a cell). I also got rid of Cox Cable and get about 15 free over the air TV channels, some of them HD, by installing a high-gain UHF antennae in my attic. With a flat-screen TV, the picture is amazing and the savings from using Magic Jack and free TV will pay for the flat-screen TV.
Bob Fox
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Partners 327: Why Princeton in 1776, Teach English to PhD sudents in China, Make maps to track church visitors, Please Pray for my Daughter

It happens that in those two towns, significant Christian revivals had occurred in the preceding decades under a series of revivalists: Rev. Theodorus Jacobus Frelinghuysen (1691-1747) ( Revivalist George Whitfield called him the beginning of the 1st Great Awakening in America), George Whitfield, served in New Brunswick, not far from Princton Rev. William Tennent (1673-1745), who who started the "Log College" to train ministers for the Gospel. This later became Princeton University & Seminary. In 1757, the Princeton Revival occurred at the College of NJ ( later called Rutgers) in Princeton, NJ. Wars are won mainly because of spiritual reasons. That's what the Bible shows over hundreds of pages in the OT and in the Book of Revelations. Why does evil linger and prosper in certain places and good prospers in other places? It can often be linked to the spiritual history of that area. This is what spiritual mapping is all about. I recommend this concept as a topic for study as Christians struggle with how to pull our country back from deepening problems on every front.
Five Open University Teaching Positions for this Fall in China. Qualified applicants need to contact the recruiting agency, EERC, by July 8, 2009. They need: two teachers for Peking University's PhD students, one teacher to help PhD students with English writing, one person to teach oral English to undergrads and one teacher to teach literature and culture to undergraduates.
All positions pay monthly stipends and provide free housing. Some will reimburse international travel. Each position requires only a one semester commitment, so this is great for someone interested in short-term missions. ERRC will provide orientation and cross-cultural support. Please contact Sharon Seeberger at, or call the ERRC main office at (510) 486-8170.
Remember the Presecuted Church: VOM sells a large banner for your church and T-shirts that carry this important message in a creative way. Click Here.
Create Maps of Church Members and New Community Residents: I used to work for this outfit. Great software and resident databases to map newcomers to area, which ones live near your members, etc for evangelism and service--even for car-pooling.
Personal Request: One of my daughters has been suffering greatly with severe depression for over two months now. She is close to being hospitalized. Please ask the Father to rescue her and her family( 2 small children) soon. It is a family crisis for all of us. Thank you for your prayers---Bob
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Partners 326: US Immorality Draws Muslim Terrorists, Evolution Must be Challenged, Pro-Life Internships, Prop 8 in CA in Danger on March 5
New Way to Help Christians Start Businesses Overseas with Small Loans: Finally--a Christian KIVA. See their site here. This is brilliant and so needed--especially for Christians who lose their families and livelihood when they leave one religion to follow Jesus.
Children's Items Needed for Chinese Quake Victims: Have a new or used Christian DVD, CD or children's book/SS materials that you would to send to the children who lost everything in the August 2008 earthquake in China? About one million people are still living in tents as a result of that. I'll be working with a group serving that region for 5 weeks, starting this March. We can carry some in in our luggage. You can send a note to them that we will translate if you wish. We need to collect these items next week. I leave March 15th.
Muslim Terrorists Hate America for Not Living As Christians: They see America as defiling the world with immorality and secularism. They are often right. "Christian" America and "Christian" Europe is polluting the world with movies and music filled with ungodly values and images ( for the love of money)--practices that the American Church largely ignores. See attached statement by an expert on Islam. Only deep repentance and revival in the American Church can bring healing to our land and move God's hand to protect us from terrorist attacks that God may be allowing to bring us back to Him as a Church and nation. ( 2 Chron 7:13-14). Note verse 13. (Thanks to Mike Green for the attachment) Click here for details.
Darwinian Evolution: Enemy of the Bible, Friend of Atheism: The Theory of Evolution is the most powerful scientific argument against belief in God. Every atheistic, communist regime in the world has loved it. Hitler loved it. It is taught as indisputable fact in our public high schools, public colleges and other government- run educational facilities. Educators who dare to disagree are ostracized or disciplined by many public institutions. Scientists are not always right, as you might guess. One Noble Prize winning scientist, James Watson, co-discoverer of the double helix of DNA in 1962--says "A goodly number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull but also just stupid." Some honest scientists--even evolutionists-- will admit that Darwinian evolution as a theory as significant problems in current science. Science knows too much now to blindly accept evolution as the only way to explain the origin of life in all its complexities. The fossil record is supposed to be one of the major proofs of the Theory of Darwinian Evolution. However, well-known evolutionist Dr. Stephen Jay Gould now says, " The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as a trade secret of paleontology." ( From Pandas and People). In addition, our current knowledge of cellular mechanics is so astounding that another evolutionist, the other co-winner of the same Nobel Prize for biology in 1962, Dr. Francis Crick, has abandoned pure evolutionary theory and now guesses that life on earth must have begun when aliens deliberating planted DNA material on earth ages ago. He calls this Panspermia. To read more of this interesting theory by one of the world's great scientists, see
The Church needs to take this theory on and show that there is very credible science that challenges the Darwinian theory of evolution. Left unchallenged, this dubious theory will lead many other people to embrace atheism, as it in fact did to the esteemed Dr. Crick who was raised by Christian parents. See his own testimony of this here.
I dare you to watch two videos twice ( there's a lot to digest) and not be gravely concerned about how our children and youth are being taught a philosophy and a worldview that is scientifically suspect and theologically wrong. Watch "Expelled" by Ben Stein and Segment 5 of the Truth Project on evolution. Christian schools could be debating public schools on this. Every church should educate its parents and children in the scientific truth about intelligent design. Every fact of science about the origin and diversity of life fits a creationist model. Most scientists today simply do not want to deal with a spiritual or unknown cause for such things. 500 years ago, it was the opposite. The world's greatest scientists believed in God for hundreds of years.
If evolution is succeeding in deceiving our nation's and our church's children not to believe in the scriptures and in God, it is our fault--the fault of the Church. Only our prayers and the bold proclamation of the truth, scientific and biblical, can stop this insidious worldview from corrupting our nation even more.
Student Internships For Pro-Life Movement: 3-week stints helping pro-life ministries across the nation now available for students. Click here for details.
Proposition 8 in California May Be Reversed on March 5. : Prop 8 defined marriage exclusively between a man and a woman. But, the gay community immediately sued California stating that Prop 8 is unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court of the state of California will hear oral arguments and decide whether to overthrow Prop 8 as being unconstitutional or to establish Prop 8 as law in California. It will take place on March 5, 2009. The justices to hear the case are: Chief Justice Ronald George, and Associate Justices Carlos Moreno, Joyce Kennard, Kathryn Mickle Werdegar, Ming Chin, Marvin Baxter and Carol Corrigan. At this writing we believe the hearing will take place at the courthouse at 350 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102-4797. To confirm this, call the court's clerk at 415-865-7000. Given the location (San Francisco) we can assume that a large number of the homosexual community will be present. Some Christians will want to join together to pray outside the courthouse.
Children's Items Needed for Chinese Quake Victims: Have a new or used Christian DVD, CD or children's book/SS materials that you would to send to the children who lost everything in the August 2008 earthquake in China? About one million people are still living in tents as a result of that. I'll be working with a group serving that region for 5 weeks, starting this March. We can carry some in in our luggage. You can send a note to them that we will translate if you wish. We need to collect these items next week. I leave March 15th.
Muslim Terrorists Hate America for Not Living As Christians: They see America as defiling the world with immorality and secularism. They are often right. "Christian" America and "Christian" Europe is polluting the world with movies and music filled with ungodly values and images ( for the love of money)--practices that the American Church largely ignores. See attached statement by an expert on Islam. Only deep repentance and revival in the American Church can bring healing to our land and move God's hand to protect us from terrorist attacks that God may be allowing to bring us back to Him as a Church and nation. ( 2 Chron 7:13-14). Note verse 13. (Thanks to Mike Green for the attachment) Click here for details.
Darwinian Evolution: Enemy of the Bible, Friend of Atheism: The Theory of Evolution is the most powerful scientific argument against belief in God. Every atheistic, communist regime in the world has loved it. Hitler loved it. It is taught as indisputable fact in our public high schools, public colleges and other government- run educational facilities. Educators who dare to disagree are ostracized or disciplined by many public institutions. Scientists are not always right, as you might guess. One Noble Prize winning scientist, James Watson, co-discoverer of the double helix of DNA in 1962--says "A goodly number of scientists are not only narrow-minded and dull but also just stupid." Some honest scientists--even evolutionists-- will admit that Darwinian evolution as a theory as significant problems in current science. Science knows too much now to blindly accept evolution as the only way to explain the origin of life in all its complexities. The fossil record is supposed to be one of the major proofs of the Theory of Darwinian Evolution. However, well-known evolutionist Dr. Stephen Jay Gould now says, " The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as a trade secret of paleontology." ( From Pandas and People). In addition, our current knowledge of cellular mechanics is so astounding that another evolutionist, the other co-winner of the same Nobel Prize for biology in 1962, Dr. Francis Crick, has abandoned pure evolutionary theory and now guesses that life on earth must have begun when aliens deliberating planted DNA material on earth ages ago. He calls this Panspermia. To read more of this interesting theory by one of the world's great scientists, see
The Church needs to take this theory on and show that there is very credible science that challenges the Darwinian theory of evolution. Left unchallenged, this dubious theory will lead many other people to embrace atheism, as it in fact did to the esteemed Dr. Crick who was raised by Christian parents. See his own testimony of this here.
I dare you to watch two videos twice ( there's a lot to digest) and not be gravely concerned about how our children and youth are being taught a philosophy and a worldview that is scientifically suspect and theologically wrong. Watch "Expelled" by Ben Stein and Segment 5 of the Truth Project on evolution. Christian schools could be debating public schools on this. Every church should educate its parents and children in the scientific truth about intelligent design. Every fact of science about the origin and diversity of life fits a creationist model. Most scientists today simply do not want to deal with a spiritual or unknown cause for such things. 500 years ago, it was the opposite. The world's greatest scientists believed in God for hundreds of years.
If evolution is succeeding in deceiving our nation's and our church's children not to believe in the scriptures and in God, it is our fault--the fault of the Church. Only our prayers and the bold proclamation of the truth, scientific and biblical, can stop this insidious worldview from corrupting our nation even more.
Student Internships For Pro-Life Movement: 3-week stints helping pro-life ministries across the nation now available for students. Click here for details.
Proposition 8 in California May Be Reversed on March 5. : Prop 8 defined marriage exclusively between a man and a woman. But, the gay community immediately sued California stating that Prop 8 is unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court of the state of California will hear oral arguments and decide whether to overthrow Prop 8 as being unconstitutional or to establish Prop 8 as law in California. It will take place on March 5, 2009. The justices to hear the case are: Chief Justice Ronald George, and Associate Justices Carlos Moreno, Joyce Kennard, Kathryn Mickle Werdegar, Ming Chin, Marvin Baxter and Carol Corrigan. At this writing we believe the hearing will take place at the courthouse at 350 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102-4797. To confirm this, call the court's clerk at 415-865-7000. Given the location (San Francisco) we can assume that a large number of the homosexual community will be present. Some Christians will want to join together to pray outside the courthouse.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Partners 325: Prophetic Words for 2009, Series of Renewal Meetings, Jobs Available, Dangerous Area Codes, House for Rent
Prophetic Words for 2009: No Need to Whine in 09: New Wine in 09: Just as the NT prophet Agabus predicted a famine and Paul's arrest in the Book of Acts, God still seems to predict things through prophetically gifted people in order to guide and strengthen us in what is to come. False prophets do exist and the Bible says to test the spirits and prophesies--and not to despise prophesies (1 Cor 5:20). I encourage you to do that with these words. Click here for prophecies from reputable people in America and in Europe. Note the New Wine themes in these words. New Wine in 2009! That's what I sense the Lord saying, too. Mrs. Fran Truit, of Kempsville Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach, also got this prophetic prayer this week. It is a great prayer for all of us. Click here.
Series of Renewal Meetings
God wants to refresh His people in Hampton Roads! Tougher times are coming. I hope many will come to these events so He can make our cups run over with His peace, joy and power! --Editor
Virginia Beach Catch the Fire Conference Live on the Web, Feb 18-21: It's free and it's live, with live chat for prayer needs and testimonies. Starts Wed. at 7:00pm (EST). Go to then click the Spiritual Gift Seminar button.
Kelly Warren Augi and Robert Augi will be at the Hope Center ( Church of the Messiah in Chesapeake) Tuesday, Feb 17th @ 7pm. They are powerful worship leaders. Worship is a wide door into the Lord's Presence and Power. Hope you can go.
Roy Fields, Worship Leader from Lakeland Revival at Hope Church, Feb 22-24: visit for more info. Register at
and at 757.321.9811. They are almost full. You must register to get in. Free.
Worship Conference: March 5-8, at New Life Assembly, Norfolk: See attached flyer for details. The coolest things about this conference is that they will take the conference in to the streets of Norfolk to reach people via worship, prayer and witnessing. About time! Ministry needs to get outside the walls of the church building. The community is eagerly waiting for us to come to them and "show and tell" them that God is real and loves them. The leader of this conference, George Banov, is a little zany but quite a Pied Piper for the Lord in worship. Not a somber, "religious" bone in his body.
Experience the Father's Love: On March 12-14, at New Life Providence Church in Virginia Beach, James Jordan, former professional hunter from New Zealand will teach on who God the Father is and how He can fill your heart with His Fatherly love. James' seminars normally result in many people experiencing a fresh understanding and affection from our Heavenly Father. Highly recommended. It's more than a teaching. Very experiential. $35/person, $50 couple. Call 757-233-8578 x, 100 or at any New Life Church. James Jordan info.
Economic Stimulus Bill Excludes Places That Allow Faith-based Meetings. Any public facility that allows worship in its rooms may not get federal stimulus funds to renovate. Click here for details and call your congressperson to protect college and high-school faith-based groups' rights to use public buildings for religious purposes.
Two Nominees for Federal Legal Offices Are Radically Pro-Porn,Pro-Abortion: See here. Calls to your congressperson make a difference in how America is governed. What we allow our leaders to do affects how God treats America.
Air Traffic Controllers Being Hired: You need a HS diploma and be between 18-31.
Go to for details and to fill out the application immediately--- even if you don't know if you want to take the job. It could take months for them to call you but it's important to apply now to get in the system. ( Thanks to Rev. Kevin Turpin at the LEC for this)
Dangerous Area Codes: Scammers sometimes try to get US residents to call parts of the Caribbeean so they can charge them exorbitant phone fees which are not regulated by US companies. The scam works because a few regions outside the U.S., including the Caribbean and Canada, can be dialed directly without the usual "011" international prefix. "809" is the area code of the Dominican Republic. "284" is the area code of the British Virgin Islands. "876" is the area code of Jamaica. Google the area code to find its location if you are unsure. Click here for details. (Thanks to Philip Schmodhl for this)
House for Rent by Missionary: Phil Thrash and his family are missionaries in Germany from Kempsville Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach. They need to rent their home to help make ends meet overseeas. The house is located in the Chesapeake/Greenbrier area in a quiet neighborhood near the mall and other shopping centers and has quick access to I-64. It is approximately 1800 square ft., two-story, three bedroom, 2 1/2 baths with living room, family room and dining room. The house is an energy-efficient Tudor with a fenced-in back yard and has a one car attached garage with opener. Whirlpool washing machine and Maytag stove are new and other appliances are in good shape. If interested call Jill Corrente (REMAX) (or Rosemarie Morgan) at 757.285.9822 or or e-mail her at:
--PS-- Partners does not post homes for rent but for missionaries and others in full-time ministry ,we make exceptions.
Series of Renewal Meetings
God wants to refresh His people in Hampton Roads! Tougher times are coming. I hope many will come to these events so He can make our cups run over with His peace, joy and power! --Editor
Virginia Beach Catch the Fire Conference Live on the Web, Feb 18-21: It's free and it's live, with live chat for prayer needs and testimonies. Starts Wed. at 7:00pm (EST). Go to then click the Spiritual Gift Seminar button.
Kelly Warren Augi and Robert Augi will be at the Hope Center ( Church of the Messiah in Chesapeake) Tuesday, Feb 17th @ 7pm. They are powerful worship leaders. Worship is a wide door into the Lord's Presence and Power. Hope you can go.
Roy Fields, Worship Leader from Lakeland Revival at Hope Church, Feb 22-24: visit for more info. Register at
and at 757.321.9811. They are almost full. You must register to get in. Free.
Worship Conference: March 5-8, at New Life Assembly, Norfolk: See attached flyer for details. The coolest things about this conference is that they will take the conference in to the streets of Norfolk to reach people via worship, prayer and witnessing. About time! Ministry needs to get outside the walls of the church building. The community is eagerly waiting for us to come to them and "show and tell" them that God is real and loves them. The leader of this conference, George Banov, is a little zany but quite a Pied Piper for the Lord in worship. Not a somber, "religious" bone in his body.
Experience the Father's Love: On March 12-14, at New Life Providence Church in Virginia Beach, James Jordan, former professional hunter from New Zealand will teach on who God the Father is and how He can fill your heart with His Fatherly love. James' seminars normally result in many people experiencing a fresh understanding and affection from our Heavenly Father. Highly recommended. It's more than a teaching. Very experiential. $35/person, $50 couple. Call 757-233-8578 x, 100 or at any New Life Church. James Jordan info.
Economic Stimulus Bill Excludes Places That Allow Faith-based Meetings. Any public facility that allows worship in its rooms may not get federal stimulus funds to renovate. Click here for details and call your congressperson to protect college and high-school faith-based groups' rights to use public buildings for religious purposes.
Two Nominees for Federal Legal Offices Are Radically Pro-Porn,Pro-Abortion: See here. Calls to your congressperson make a difference in how America is governed. What we allow our leaders to do affects how God treats America.
Air Traffic Controllers Being Hired: You need a HS diploma and be between 18-31.
Go to for details and to fill out the application immediately--- even if you don't know if you want to take the job. It could take months for them to call you but it's important to apply now to get in the system. ( Thanks to Rev. Kevin Turpin at the LEC for this)
Dangerous Area Codes: Scammers sometimes try to get US residents to call parts of the Caribbeean so they can charge them exorbitant phone fees which are not regulated by US companies. The scam works because a few regions outside the U.S., including the Caribbean and Canada, can be dialed directly without the usual "011" international prefix. "809" is the area code of the Dominican Republic. "284" is the area code of the British Virgin Islands. "876" is the area code of Jamaica. Google the area code to find its location if you are unsure. Click here for details. (Thanks to Philip Schmodhl for this)
House for Rent by Missionary: Phil Thrash and his family are missionaries in Germany from Kempsville Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach. They need to rent their home to help make ends meet overseeas. The house is located in the Chesapeake/Greenbrier area in a quiet neighborhood near the mall and other shopping centers and has quick access to I-64. It is approximately 1800 square ft., two-story, three bedroom, 2 1/2 baths with living room, family room and dining room. The house is an energy-efficient Tudor with a fenced-in back yard and has a one car attached garage with opener. Whirlpool washing machine and Maytag stove are new and other appliances are in good shape. If interested call Jill Corrente (REMAX) (or Rosemarie Morgan) at 757.285.9822 or or e-mail her at:
--PS-- Partners does not post homes for rent but for missionaries and others in full-time ministry ,we make exceptions.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Partners 324: Great Healing in America, Pray for President, Missionary Training, Discipleship Training, Church Wants to Rent Space
Great Healing in America: Every American should rejoice that America has its first African-American President! That alone has brought great healing to the African-American community who have suffered terrible discrimination for almost 400 years in America. Many good people of all hues have worked for decades to see this kind of hope and healing brought to our dear African-American neighbors. President Obama is a very gifted man with strong vision to build a better America. Like any others, I can see seeds of greatness in President Obama as a leader.
But this is a critical time for all churches to pray and work together to ensure that his presidency is guided by scriptural truth so that God can once again bless and protect America--as only God can. If it is true that God is judging America for its sins--and I am convinced He is-- then America's future safety and prosperity depends more on our standing before God than on any political or economic plans man has. May America bless God and follow His ways. He alone can heal our land ( 2Chron 7:13-14).
My Daughter's Blogs: Many people have a prayer burden for America. I am happy to tell you that my daughter, Lori West, is one of those folks. I strongly encourage you to read the article (most of it from Cindy Jacobs) about President Obama's published White House agenda now online at under the Civil Rights and Family sections. It ought to give every Christian more reasons to pray fervently for God to guide and protect the president and our nation. Click here to see the Jan 23rd post on her blog. I also encourage you to read her blog for mom's called Mothering Matters. She has 5 kids.
President Lincoln's Inauguration Scriptures on March 4, 1865: President Obama understandably admires Abraham Lincoln and was sworn in on Tuesday on Lincoln's Bible. These are the Scriptures Lincoln chose during the Civil War: Matthew 7:1, Matthew 18:7, Revelation 16:7 If you read Lincoln's address that day,you will note that he saw the Civil War as God's judgment on America because of slavery.
Unless the current Church of America---all of its Christians--truly repents for its sins and the sins of our ancestors, our current woes will only increase. "FOR THOSE WHOM THE LORD LOVES HE DISCIPLINES, AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES,---so that they will share in His holiness. (Hebrews 12:6-11)
Click here to see what other scriptures other former presidents used at their inauguration.
Essentials for Being a Missionary: Great overview by two experienced missionaries who train missionaries: Norm and Debbie Przybylski of Elijah Company, Inc. (, 9:00-5:00 Sat. January 31, 2009. Kempsville Presbyterian Church, in the Learning Center (behind the main building).Love Offering, no lunch, no childcare.
For info or to RSVP write to,, or call 248-9561.
For the expanded and in depth version of this Seminar, mark your calendar for Elijah Company’s Missionary Training Camp: March 5-8, 2009! See
Powerful Discipleship Training Model, Feb 7 in Chesapeake: Pastors and ministry leaders would greatly benefit from this new,comprehensive discipleship model that is being used in home groups, churches and families around the world. See the attachment for details. I took the course and found it very helpful in constructing a much better discipleship model. See attachment for details.
Cell Phone Numbers Are Now Public to Telemarketers: YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS if you answer them. To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number. (Thanks for Dallas & Zonie Plemmons for this)
Want to Thank President Bush? Click here to leave a note of thanks. No president pleases everyone. All presidents do some good--perhaps more than we'll ever know. Here's a great way to say Thank You to former President Bush for eight years of honorable service during extraordinarily difficult time. (Thanks to Jodi Nelson Chiricosta for this)
New Church Wants to Rent Space on Sundays: From around 9am to 1:30 pm, seating for 200 to 300, smaller room for kids, parking, etc. in Virginia Beach, hopefully near the Pembroke/Town Center area. Call 757-576-1090 (my cell) or
Used, Computers for Overseas Use:
But this is a critical time for all churches to pray and work together to ensure that his presidency is guided by scriptural truth so that God can once again bless and protect America--as only God can. If it is true that God is judging America for its sins--and I am convinced He is-- then America's future safety and prosperity depends more on our standing before God than on any political or economic plans man has. May America bless God and follow His ways. He alone can heal our land ( 2Chron 7:13-14).
My Daughter's Blogs: Many people have a prayer burden for America. I am happy to tell you that my daughter, Lori West, is one of those folks. I strongly encourage you to read the article (most of it from Cindy Jacobs) about President Obama's published White House agenda now online at under the Civil Rights and Family sections. It ought to give every Christian more reasons to pray fervently for God to guide and protect the president and our nation. Click here to see the Jan 23rd post on her blog. I also encourage you to read her blog for mom's called Mothering Matters. She has 5 kids.
President Lincoln's Inauguration Scriptures on March 4, 1865: President Obama understandably admires Abraham Lincoln and was sworn in on Tuesday on Lincoln's Bible. These are the Scriptures Lincoln chose during the Civil War: Matthew 7:1, Matthew 18:7, Revelation 16:7 If you read Lincoln's address that day,you will note that he saw the Civil War as God's judgment on America because of slavery.
Unless the current Church of America---all of its Christians--truly repents for its sins and the sins of our ancestors, our current woes will only increase. "FOR THOSE WHOM THE LORD LOVES HE DISCIPLINES, AND HE SCOURGES EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES,---so that they will share in His holiness. (Hebrews 12:6-11)
Click here to see what other scriptures other former presidents used at their inauguration.
Essentials for Being a Missionary: Great overview by two experienced missionaries who train missionaries: Norm and Debbie Przybylski of Elijah Company, Inc. (, 9:00-5:00 Sat. January 31, 2009. Kempsville Presbyterian Church, in the Learning Center (behind the main building).Love Offering, no lunch, no childcare.
For info or to RSVP write to,, or call 248-9561.
For the expanded and in depth version of this Seminar, mark your calendar for Elijah Company’s Missionary Training Camp: March 5-8, 2009! See
Powerful Discipleship Training Model, Feb 7 in Chesapeake: Pastors and ministry leaders would greatly benefit from this new,comprehensive discipleship model that is being used in home groups, churches and families around the world. See the attachment for details. I took the course and found it very helpful in constructing a much better discipleship model. See attachment for details.
Cell Phone Numbers Are Now Public to Telemarketers: YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS if you answer them. To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number. (Thanks for Dallas & Zonie Plemmons for this)
Want to Thank President Bush? Click here to leave a note of thanks. No president pleases everyone. All presidents do some good--perhaps more than we'll ever know. Here's a great way to say Thank You to former President Bush for eight years of honorable service during extraordinarily difficult time. (Thanks to Jodi Nelson Chiricosta for this)
New Church Wants to Rent Space on Sundays: From around 9am to 1:30 pm, seating for 200 to 300, smaller room for kids, parking, etc. in Virginia Beach, hopefully near the Pembroke/Town Center area. Call 757-576-1090 (my cell) or
Used, Computers for Overseas Use:
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